Narender Kumar
Delivering Business Results through Learning Interventions / Active member of CVA Alliance Fish Keeping Expert & Enthusiast/ (ROR) Return on Relationship Master
?? You must have heard it quite often that Virtual Session Means ....
?? Switch off cameras – staring at blank screens
?? No Engagement
?? No Two-way communication
?? Can't do Role Plays
?? Difficult to do Engagement Activities
?? Poor participation in quiz If you accept the above status quo, be ready for a hashtag#BoringSession, time waster & hashtag#PoorROIInlearningSession.
At top of it, don't expect people to register for your next session
?? Here are tried and tested ways to say good bye to boring and one way virtual sessions: ??
?? Switch off Cameras - In the beginning ask people to turn on their camera for a group selfie - 90% will switch on for few seconds - then give them freedom to keep it on if they can or to switch off if required. That way you will find few CAMERAS ON all the time (it's tried and tested and psychologically proven...remember you are training adults not children)
?? No Engagement - Use tolls like "Mentimeter.com" to engage them in funny polls like "What's your favourite chocolate?", "How is your mood today?" just to warm them up to be ready for more serious involvement.
?? No Two-way Communication - Use tolls like "Mentimeter.com" for taking their input using "Wordclound" "Open Ended" question type. Run a quiz game and release "Leaderboard" once 50% session is over & announce small rewards.
?? Can't do Role Plays - Use online "Head or Tail" platform to start role play. Use “Spotlight Options” when two people are doing role play to keep everyone focus on them. Ask everyone to observe their role play and rate them end of their role play using Mentimeter.com "Ranking" system (this way everyone will stay engaged). In the end announce winner and add up the score. Best way to do this is between teams, who will rate each other.
?? Difficult to do Engagement Activities - Use tools like "Pickerwheel.com" to divide participants randomly in team and chose who will be part of which team. Choose a leader, then give leader the responsibility to get the activity done in "Breakout Rooms" and hold him/her accountable. Best, when ask them to solve a puzzle or case study conclusion.
?? Poor Participation in Quiz – Create interactive video, image or visibly appealing quiz over Mentimeter.com. Idea is to create competitive environment.
Again works best in team setup. If you have challenge in brining more engagement in “Chatbox” start asking them their work location, where is their native place, their Mother’s name and first pet name and list goes on and on…Anything personal to them.
More than 50% will respond. Trick is to set the tone in the first 5-10 minutes, else it is almost impossible to win back the attention of your participant. SO,
NO MORE ?? BORING ?? ONLINE SESSION – Use these tips and hashtag#Rockyournextvirtualsessions hashtag#VirtualSession hashtag#EngagingOnlineSessions hashtag#EffectiveOnlineLearning hashtag#BestROIAtOnlineLearning
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