No More Battle! Why the BALANCE of the Sexes is the Way Forward
There seems to be some confusion about this, so let me clarify.
When I say (or write) MASCULINE, I don’t mean men.
When I say FEMININE, I don’t mean women.
These terms, as I use them, refer to different facets of the human experience/aspects of the personality (this is one of many definitions, I know, just trying to keep it simple here).
There’s awakened and unawakened states of being, and each facet has their tendency. Some examples:
Feminine: synthesis, flow, intuition
Masculine: analysis, structure, logic
These, of course, are generalizations, but you get the idea.
Point is, we ALL have both Masculine and Feminine inside of us, no matter what our gender!
Entertainingly, throughout history, humans have tended to lean towards one or the other. We’re now emerging from an era of the unawakened masculine, where feminine traits were seen as weak and undesirable, for all genders.
For example:
Girls learned at an early age to build up their masculine traits in things like competition and achievement.
Boys were taught not to cry or show any strong emotion other than anger, and to deal with problems alone rather than to seek out help.
My hope is that, as we arise from this era, we don’t repeat the mindsets of the past, swinging like a pendulum from one side (unawakened masculinity) clear to the other (unawakened femininity) but rather can embrace and operate from BOTH aspects inside of ourselves with awareness (awakened)!
In doing so, we accept ourselves, and thus humanity, WHOLE.
We stop the pendulum and achieve true BALANCE from the inside out.
I truly believe that this is where humanity is headed: away from polarizing views that separate us, and towards harmonizing views that need far fewer labels and place far more attention on the beauty in our differences, both as a collective and within ourselves as individuals.
What would change if you accepted ALL of yourself and didn’t judge it as good or bad? What would happen if you approached aspects of yourself that you were once ashamed of with curiosity and gratitude?
THIS is the point. The point is NOT to point fingers at the “other” but to focus loving attention within.
This is the first step to achieving true BALANCE from the inside out, balance that cannot be upset by anyone or anything else.
This is what I can get behind.
#equilibriumforfounders #balance #masculine #feminine #future