More Bacon Bits...More Bacon

Believe it or not..there are different techniques to making bacon. In ovens..on frying pans. A smoked, and salted pork product..that wins the hearts of North Americans consistantly. I think Canadians probably eat the most bacon any where in the world..and we are proud Canadians. At my work places, because we cook in mass production, I find the best way is to pan it up on bakers sheet pans..bake it halfway..drain the greese and put it back into the oven for another 15 minutes or so. Or until it becomes the desire of the guests you are cooking for. I prefer to cook it half crispy and half medium rare. This is a cured product, and you can't please cook it both ways. Some like bacon crispy..some people like it really crispy, just like a steak. Everyone has their own pallot..after all, I'm not cooking for myself..I'm cooking for 1000 people. Nobody has really complained, so I'm hoping to make everyone happy. Everything is served buffet style and the guests serve themselves, so, why not give them both to choose from. Now everybodies happy. Another great breakfast shift. If you have never eaten Canadian Bacon..maybe you should try it's delicious..I eat mine crispy.


