More Abundance in Marketing Center
Compass Family,
Good news: The Marketing Center Asset Library — the #1 technology request in the Feedback Forum — is here! In fact, in addition to the Asset Library, we now have Recent Projects, Checklists and Digital Wallpaper options ALL available in Marketing Center. Click here to see the full announcement.
The Asset Library empowers you to upload, store and access all of your photos, images, and logos in Marketing Center. You can access it from the “editor” when you click to edit/replace an image (see image below!). The Asset Library has 3 main sections:
- Photos — Where you will find images populated from your listing page if you are creating listing collateral.
- Uploads — Where you can upload, store, and access all of your own images to your personal library.
- Favorites — Where you can select your favorite or most frequently used images for easy access at any time.
We also added a Recent Projects section on the homepage where you can access any of your most recent projects in a single click.
Checklists & Digital Wallpapers are new project options in the ‘Create a Project’ section of the Marketing Center homepage.
- Checklists will help you save time & stay on track by organizing your tasks so you can get things done faster than ever. From marketing a listing to running an open house, you’ll find a checklist of best practices for most of your everyday needs.
- Digital Wallpapers is a new resource with professionally made wallpapers you can use for your computer, mobile device, and even your Zoom video conference backgrounds!
And, next week we will be releasing our new Video Generator, which is an easy-to-use tool that will allow you to create short, professional-looking videos with your existing listing photography in seconds! You will then be able to share your custom video to Instagram or Facebook, or include it in a paid digital campaign.
With nearly everyone spending more time on their computers, iPads, and phones, digital marketing matters more than ever right now. I hope these new Marketing Center updates — and the ones we have in the pipeline — empower you to market yourself and your properties more easily and effectively than ever before.
The quote “insanely great” is a famous Steve Jobs line when describing an Apple product.
In addition to everything else, the video tool sounds “insanely great” - Steve Jobs! Compass has I would say, the most elegant and modern digital backend in the industry.