Morally Bankrupt Establishment Leadership Is Destroying Our Nation


Virtue-signaling tokenism on ‘The Voice’ and facilitating customers’ donations to charities, is fairly successfully disguising sociopathic greed and frightfully incompetent and uncaring management.

If Albanese was really committed to closing the gap suffered by disadvantaged dysfunctional remote indigenous communities, he would implement a credible and proven methodology to fix it.

He'd first identify them geographically and in terms of their real problems, needs and aspirations.

He certainly would not begin the process canvassing the self-appointed leadership of urban activists of mixed ancestry, who have wholly embraced the worst of Western elitist Establishment culture - those who are largely responsible for the "Uluru Statement from the Heart" and who have managed the waste of billions of dollars of funds, perpetuated the violent abuse of the women and children of the truly disadvantaged in remote communities for whom most was intended.

These relatively affluent urban activists have made a career of meeting only the virtue-signaling needs of the elitist, Left-leaning Corporate and Government Establishment.

We should give them no more 'Voice' than any other Australian.

Regrettably, none of the Albanese Government (few in any government) have any firsthand experience of addressing failing organizations, researching, then developing and accountably implementing strategic plans with very limited resources.

These disadvantaged and dysfunctional indigenous communities in remote Australia, with all the best will in the world, with tens of thousands of 'Voices', cannot 'narrow the gap' without the support of the expertise outlined above - expertise of which the Albanese Government (and most governments) is devoid.

"'The Voice' is not our last chance to get it right".

It is yet another guarantee of getting it wrong.

Only ethically driven and openly transparent, rather than politically expedient Government and Corporate Leadership committed to quantum change of our national culture, will change it.

Changing the Constitution or passing legislation doesn’t change culture. Every 1st year leadership/management student knows it.

Only leadership actions have the potential to change culture.

If Albanese, and in fact all governments were serious about fixing not just indigenous disadvantage, but all our socio-economic problems, he’d cease the preoccupation with changing the Constitution and passing legislation, and invest the time reviewing and forcing meaningful accountability and reporting of the expenditure and actions of all government – not seeking to close down and hide any potentially embarrassing analysis as is the prevailing response to all identified failings. ??

At the heart of our Nation, even in the elitist Establishment private schools, not just in the government and church sponsored orphanages, pedophiles have gone unchecked for decades, seducing, violently abusing and raping for generations, protected by the prevailing, still current culture of the Establishment, not airing its dirty linen. ??????

The removal of people from the customer interface of private and government organizations will only entrench the burying of the culture of indifference and silence.

The greatest concern in respect of the dangers of AI is that it is devoid of a moral conscience – a uniquely human attribute, albeit already rapidly disappearing before this concern in respect of AI was raised.

The focus of Establishment leadership is achieving nothing but short-term cost savings which benefit only senior executives who are invariably on short-term contracts which incorporate incentives for achieving cost savings – all largely hidden from public view by a largely complicit mainstream media.

Accountability, long term productivity and organizational responsiveness to environmental change, not to mention customer satisfaction, are going down the toilet.

The leadership of the Corporate and Government Establishment have never demonstrated such contempt for those they are supposed to serve.

They use token virtue-signaling to create a presence of caring for the disadvantaged - 'The Voice' being the most recent notable grand scale example most fail to appreciate.

The reality is this leadership, sociopaths in the main, couldn't give a stuff for the disadvantaged.

Amazingly, the herd follows them in the blind belief, they will keep them safe.


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