The Moral of the (Sales) STORY?
Ronald Joseph Kule
"Writing biographies, historical fiction, and other genre books for paying clients."
Pitching a community bank president, I noticed he started looking at his computer, so I stopped talking MID-SENTENCE!
He never noticed I had stopped until two minutes later - I counted it on my watch at the time - and then he looked at me and apologized.
I asked, "What happened?"
He replied that a stock movement had caught his attention.
I listened and then asked, "What was the last thing you remember I told you?"
He told me, and I asked him if we should proceed or set up a better time to meet... that I would need his full attention to proceed, or we could set another date and time to meet.
He turned off his computer and looked at me. I proceeded from the point he last remembered.
We concluded a $40,000 advertising sale after regaining his attention, which earned me an $8,000 commission.
The moral of the story? To make a sale, you need your prospect's attention; you need to control your prospect's attention.
#sales #bank #community #advertising #sellbetter #selleasier #howtosellbetter #sellbetter #selleasier #listenmoresellmore
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RONALD JOSEPH KULE enjoyed a 39-year career in sales, sales managing, and sales training before retiring to write books on commission full-time in 2010.
In his last sales position with an international advertising/marketing productions company, Kule sold $millions in products and services and was #1 in Sales for 18 consecutive years.
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