A Moral Dilemma at the Beach
I’m on the eastern shore this week and one of my favorite things to do when at the beach is to go watch the sunrise.?
So yesterday morning as I sat by the water, I noticed a horseshoe crab washed up on the shore.
A smattering of people walked by it.?
One took a picture. Another poked it with her shoe.?
Finally a woman walked over, picked it up and tossed it back into the ocean.?
“Good for her,” I thought. I could tell she felt proud of herself. It was a nice thing to do.?
As I started on my walk along the water, I encountered another beached crab. I thought about picking it up and tossing it in the water. I thought about the charitable feeling I would have. I thought about how that crab would probably appreciate it.?
Then I remembered...
I am not a “pick up large marine creatures with claws and pointy tails” type of person, and promptly walked on by.
As I continued my walk, I saw maybe a half dozen or more beached crabs...and the moral dilemma I would’ve faced if I had thrown that first one in. I'm all for saving living things, but horseshoe crabs are not my target market.?
I’m glad I walked by that first one. I had made my decision and thus felt no compulsion to rescue any of the others.?
And neither should you be helping anyone and everyone who wants your help.
When you don’t have clarity on who you’re for and who you are not for, two things happen:
One, there is a nagging sense of burden. A constant feeling of not doing enough, not chasing enough, not casting a big enough net.
Two, you spread yourself too thin, and your energy become diffused and chaotic.
On the flip side, when you know your target market and the specific problem you solve for them, decisions become easier. Your energy for your business goes from diffused and chaotic to focused and effective.?
Do you know your target market? Can you accurately describe it and the people who comprise it? If so, I would challenge you to go narrower.
The more you narrow, the more their real problems and desires begin to surface, and the more effective your marketing becomes.?
There are people you are called to help--either by conscious decision or by inspiration--and people you are not called to help.?
Our Brand Discovery Process walks you through a process where I help you uncover who your target market truly is, and why you feel called to help them.?
www.BrandDiscoveryProcess.com is being offered in August in group format for attorneys only. See below for additional information.?
What does Zine do??
We help you get more clients who love you, stay with you, and tell others about you. Our unique Brand Discovery Intensive is designed to help people discover how to position themselves so they attract more of their ideal prospects and connect with them in meaningful ways. It is currently offered in a group format for attorneys only, and one-on-one format for others.?