the Mooring Minute - the big battle

The Mooring Minute - The Big Battle!

The biggest hurdle we all face is the battle which happens between our ears.                                                                                             The battle between us and them, of good and evil, of joy and or fear.

We each have a choice and can choose the type of day we are going to have, long before we shove off the dock. We can attack each moment with an open heart or a closed mind.

We can choose to be happy, productive and joyful as we want to be, as the only thing holding us back is the battle between our ears. We are governed by what we do, think and feel, and what holds us back is the fear of taking that first step. I remember as a young Sabot sailor, I hated to go sailing when it was windy, the fear of capsizing, and being pulled from the water was greater than the fun of sailing with my buddies. It was tough as it was often very windy in the afternoon where I grew up sailing. One day, I was out sailing, and the wind came up suddenly, and sure enough, everyone else capsized except for me. I proved myself wrong, that indeed I could sail, and sail very well in heavy air. It was like God took that first step for me. The wind comes up suddenly and all I could do was to execute and sail fast.

So untie the ties holding you back and head out and building our legacy. Because we are in control, we can focus forward on the grand plan. We create what we expect. Expect the fleet to have your number, to tack on you and take your space when the gun goes off or you can look forward and sail around each issue and use them as opportunities to execute your grand plan.

We are always looking for quality listings, passionate boat buyers and would appreciate the opportunity to work with you.


#The Mooring Minute #clientforlife

#Yachtbroker #444



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