"Moonlight"? Shines Upon Us
Written By Hammad Zaidi

"Moonlight" Shines Upon Us

Wow....did that just happen? The better question is, How in the Hell did that happen? How exactly did Warren Beatty announce "La La Land" as the "Best Picture" winner, only to have it reversed in favor of "Moonlight" moments later when "La La Land" producer Jordan Horowitz?

Warren Beatty claims there was a mix-up with the envelopes, but that's not what Emma Stone says: 

In fact, here are her exact words when the media asked her to comment on being involved in the greatest Oscar scandal of all time. "I don't mean to start stuff, but whatever story that was, I had that card. So I'm not sure what happened," Stone said. In other words, Warren Beatty couldn't have been handed Emma Stone's envelope, if Emma Stone was clutching onto it backstage.

Accounting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers claims there are always two envelopes for each winning category - a statement they made during BBC interview earlier in the week, so it is conceivable the mix-up was valid. Here's the full "Best Oscar" screw-up:

Hmmm, sounds like we've got a healthy conspiracy theory brewing. Here's the clip:

In any case, "Moonlight," a $1.5 million dollar independently financed coming-of-age film about a gay black teenager in a rough neighbor in Miami, became the smallest budgeted film to ever win "Best Picture" at the Oscars, Should you be wondering what the next smallest budget to win the "Best Picture," was, that would be "Precious," (released in 2009 and won the Oscar in 2010), which had a $10 million budget.

"Moonlight," which was released on October 21, 2016, has earned $21,520,324 at the box office domestically, and another $3,689,457 internationally, giving it a combined box office total of $25,209,781.

Furthermore, in addition to "Moonlight," earning the "Best Picture" award, it also won two more Oscars; Mahershala Ali won for "Best Actor in a Supporting Role," and director Barry Jenkins won the "Best Adapted Screenplay," Oscar alongside Tarell Alvin McCraney, who based the script on his own play, "Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue."

Minority artists had a big night at the 89th annual Academy Awards. In addition to Moonlight's well-deserved wins, Viola Davis won the "Best Actress in a Supporting Role," Oscar for "Fences," and Ezra Edelman won "Best Feature Film Documentary" for "O.J.: Made in America." Additionally, here are other key points on how the evening parted from the status quo:

  1. The 2017 edition of the Academy Awards marked the first time that black actors were nominated in each of the four major acting categories.
  2. Six black actors were nominated in the top four acting categories.
  3. Four of the five "Best Documentary" nominees were black, including the winner, Ezra Edleman for "O.J.: Made in America," which, at 467 minutes, also set the record for being the longest film to ever win an Oscar.

After the outcry of #Oscarsowhite in 2015, the Academy invited 683 new Academy Members; from 59 different countries; 41% of which are women and 46% of which are non-white. But, never in a million years did I think the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences would correct itself in front of millions of viewers on TV and countless streaming services, but they did and I, for one, am thankful. So, things are changing, ever so slowly, but markedly, which is good.

On that note, I thank you for lending me your eyes. All of my articles can be seen at GoingBionic.com

Should you be as so kind to lend me your ears, please check out my weekly podcast titled, "Limping on Cloud 9." Additionally, our website is below.

although the budget purportedly at 1 mil-1.5 mil but with help from Plan B, its PR budget can easily surpasse any Oscar campaign spending, average 10 mils. This increases its chances of winning even though other better crafted films Hidden Figures, Arrival, Hell or High Water and La La Land. Another reason is prohiting older, more experienced members from voting. Unlike new members who are influenced by PR campaign and political correctness, they tend to vote for excellence in crafts according to Academy long established rules. They would have chosen Hidden Figures and La La Land. At the end of each screening of HF I attended, plenty of applause.



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