#Moonberg The future of the Mooncoin Price

#Moonberg The future of the Mooncoin Price

The future of the Mooncoin Price:

All Users are interested in how we can protect the price until the Mooncoin will be listed on the external Exchange or (and) on our own exchange with an order book.Right now until the 01st September 2019 will be our Mooncoin pegged at 1 USDT = 1 Mooncoin, but what will happens in the future?

Simple Example:

You start now your bot with 10.000 USDT = 10.000 Mooncoins with an 360 days license In 360 days are the Mooncoin maybe 10 Dollar worth and you get back 1.000 Mooncoins which you can sell for 10,000$.

How do you know you get this Exchange Rate for your Mooncoins?

You can use our instant exchange to exchange your Mooncoins into USDT. The price will be new calculated and pegged all 24 hours. We use as pegged price the average Price form the last 24 Hours and never deeper as 1 USDT = 1 Mooncoin. Result: You get your Mooncoins back and you can sell the Mooncoins for the same price as you got the Mooncoins.

Why no payout in USDT?

It is still not possible and depends on the legal part. We are working with an utility coin.

Why do we need an external and internal exchange?

Without a growing price will be our trading volume blocked at 9 million USDT and on the actually market situation we could trade and generate profits only on Binance with up to 20 million USDT.

Your Moonberg Team

Registration in the team: https://moonberg.io/community/register?refid=4daaae830d

Remember: thinking every day costs you a very specific amount of money. Take action ????

?? Pleased with your questions and comments ??? https://t.me/sergsen


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