MOOCs vs Traditional learning ?

MOOCs vs Traditional learning ?

This was our polls question for people, and result is "52.5%" hungry for learning on any methods. Personaly i thought it would be a bit higher , maybe 70~% +.

And honestly, i prefer the traditional learning methods, and that could be for the credit of face-to-face & physical interactive sessions. But lately and due to the Covid_19 pandemic, I've learned some much information from MOOCs courses, that it would take me years to have it on traditional ways track, or reading books and articles.

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Two days ago, US President signed an Executive Order requiring Federal agencies to focus hiring on the skills job seekers possess, rather than focusing on whether they earned a college degree. And I think it will change the face of academic old school fashion, forever around the world.

Now, lets see the results of our polls. I've posted last week two versions; and Arabic and English.

English version:

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Arabic Version:

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FINALLY : (average)

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What's makes me sad, that 4.5% Thought they don't prefer courses (i'm not sure if they meant it or they prefer the academic standard leaning methods.)

Soon we will try to answer a basic questions, that related to how you should select your courses?

Thank you,

Hamdan Alyammahi


