The Monuments Conundrum

The Monuments Conundrum


Robert Shrimsley wrote in the Financial Times: "Many great historic figures carry serious baggage. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson owned slaves?"

In terms of Winston Churchill, most would probably agree that Churchill led resistance to the Nazis heroically, but some remember him also as a white supremacist. In 1937, when addressing the fate of indigenous peoples in Australia and America: "I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."

Whilst the ethical wrongs of this statement is clear. The truth is that a great many races had saved the UK under his own leadership. To list a few. Irish, Scotish, Welsh, Polish, French, Algerians, Thai’s, Malaysians, Indians, Australians, Indonesians, Egyptians to name just a few.

 For Winston Churchill to have not been appreciative of their efforts and sacrifice to Britain is wrong.

In addition, he failed to mention that more of our medicine has originated from the same people he puts down than from any other source. However, whilst this statement makes me upset as it is misrepresentative of the truth, I have to refer back to what is said before that attitudes have changed and there were many great things that Churchill did too. More than a few errors things too, such as not reinforcing Singapore in all directions and therefore the Japanese invaded Singapore on Bicycles. So it took the Americans and many other countries to save what had been lost of the British Empire in Asia. So going by Churchill’s own words does that put the Japanese into the words he describes over the British? No of course not. Winston did like to have a Whiskey or two.

Anyone that writes interesting and profound words like Winston Churchill did on many occasions write and says some things that are not fully representative of who they are and if all that Winston Churchill wrote and said is considered there is an inescapable truth and that is he saved the UK and together with the necessary help of people of many races together including Americans, Indigenous people, Asians,, including Spanish and people who were the descendents of the Moors it was a complete combined effort of so many cultures to protect, save and create the USA, Europe, Asia, and the UK of today. So all of the people who did this created the freedoms of today, even if they said wrong things too. In a time where freedom of speech is a serious issue today. It is better that if we can be moderate on demands made over some statues and improve the explanations of many so they are representative of different sides to people's beliefs. The Allies were an alliance of very diverse peoples from every continent. 

It’s very ironic that Churchill was opposed too in the way of the defeat and putting down of his people he had similar beliefs himself in some ways to that of other people. That quote could very easily be more likened to have originated from his opponent. Whilst most people do not know that his opponent in secret he corresponded with the African American Athlete Jesse Owens after the 1939 Olympics when he was back in the USA. This is well documented.

 So to try and find a definitive truth to any person in history or today if you look only selectively at information does not give the full picture. Whilst there are many that can only bring themselves to see a person as only good or only bad. Come on I’m sure the wives, friend, colleagues of many had a differing opinion and other information. Therefore, if we think just in terms of right or wrong completely then the world would have no statues at all. If we think the opposite way then anyone and everyone in history could have statues.

What really matters though overall is how people feel today and the overall contribution they made for their people. For people on both sides of the debate to be able to make a compromise and I believe that is achieved with more information sometimes, yet in other cases statues should go into museums with information so that we today learn from their lives, their mistakes, so that we can be better today than they were then. .

If on the other hand we enter into that maze and try to see only from narrow perspectives either way then together we all end up lost and issues that have been at least silent for years come up as issues again. We all end up losing something that is overall better for everyone, where there are lessons from the past to be learned, in favour of trying to make something imperfect in the past fit into today’s more conscious values, we potentially end up in a place which achieves the opposite. Where there are people that feel so strongly about The Conquistadors Statue being removed and other that use fire arms and shoot people.

When the bigger story is that The Conquistadors were only a year or few out of an 800 year colonial occupation themselves. Having lived in Spain for 14 years there were very few people even now that wanted to talk about the Moors. For any country to have a history where they do not wish to discuss 800 years of that history easily there are still issues in Spain to be healed. In fact, it was an American Diplomat and author Washington Irving first drew attention to the Alhambra Palace after it had been left to ruin. So the difficulties in Portugal and Spain as countries under Moorish rule are healing. The Moors were also in France and there were battles there and they retreated back to Gaul. So the fact that Americans and most Europeans do not know about this part of history other than Shakespeare’s depiction of Othello is a historical loss and inaccuracy to all. 

The Spanish and Portuguese people are wonderful people and there is so much of Spain that helped create the USA and the Americas and this will never change, however, we can learn from the Indigenous people in South America. The Indigenous people preserve the old relics of the Conquistadors. These are highly prized and they keep these with their own cultural relics. I was really surprised at this and asked some of them. The answer they gave me is that these are objects of our history. It is a happy and a tragic history. These objects we see as a part of our story though and they are objects of power from the past so we use this power to move forward today. .This was their interpretation and whilst I would have thought at the time they would want to forget about this time and move forward, they saw this an a part of their story and that is more important to them than only remembering the good. To accept the past bad and good for what it was and make the very best of the immediate present, today.  

Where what is termed Left and right does not work with this.

The statement Black Lives Matter can be seen as being a part of the consideration that all lives matter. In England, this was exemplified when Patrick Hutchenson and a group of his friends all-black protected and helped by carrying a counter-protestor who had been injured t safety with the police. In terms of really believing that Black lives matter adds to the life quality of equality for all. 

You could be left or right and be black or have black family members or simply be someone that does not approve of death in the streets of innocent people to be acknowledging the need for there to be better policing. 

There are so many ways to interpret the times we are in. However, the fact is that people of all colours are coming together now to say yes Black lives matter.

 Some people do not like to see the destruction of monuments and I put myself very into that category. The destruction of monuments under some circumstances can be likened to the burning of books unless the issue is looked at very carefully and very wisely and people from both the left and right seek to obtain middle ground on this as to what is sensible and what is not.

However, let’s just question what are these monuments?

A monument is a piece of art. It is also a representation of a person, a historical event. It is a representation beyond any of their single actions in their lives but more a totality of what they did, achieved and stood for as a direction in their life.

If a piece of art causes offense, if it is offensive to your ancestry, your very being then that is a different issue than if a monument aligns to values you believe in. If one group of people have one perception of the statue and the meaning of it and another group a completely opposite perception then that requires consideration and each monument considered in it’s own way.  

To be able to navigate through this is not easy and I’m trying my best here with this. There will always be people on either side that say that any compromise is not good enough for them. The problem is you cannot have a statue there and not have a statue there at the same time. So therefore, the only best way forward is to expand the meaning of the statue to encompass as accurately as possible not even both, but all perspectives. This is not a perfect answer, but a good answer is better than no answer. 

However, if we are to consider that the past and the present are both important and that those that want the statue there are also understanding of why people would not want the statue there and the people that do not want the statue there is a realization of why so many would want the statue there. We live in times where there have been so few really good role models in recent years and so this is a factor too.

Now when I have written peace strategies that have helped prevent wars. I have said in my documents please look at this situation from both your perspective and from the position of other opposite perspectives That has helped create more peace today between wise leaders.

 So I would say the same to people that both want the statue and realize that we cannot change the past, nor all the words anyone said in their lifetime. We can accept that those people were “culturally conditioned” to their time. If we can find a middle place and what that consists of is a far better explanation of the statue, the person and all sides of their characters in the context of their time. Then what is created out of these historical images is then education that can then help people with an improved understanding and awareness of all aspects.

Where I personally draw the line on what I say here is this. Any slave trader as far as I’m concerned there place is in a river, or all right I will settle for a museum, surrounded by very good information that explains everything. Information that does not only look at their actions yet looks at their thinking too. Colson. The slave trader of Bristol committed so many crimes against people, yet then did charity work. I find that statue, having been in an exploitation situation myself seeing that go was a massive relief. How it could have stayed there so long, whilst there is an unexplained history that could be there.

Whilst I do understand the thinking of balancing a person's negative actions with good actions, there are certainly limits to this. So I say this. The truth is this is best off in a Museum with full description. We have to learn from all this. His statue is best off in a museum as yes we can be offended walking past a statue that hurts us.

There is such a deep horrible stain on the human conscience over the issue of slavery and as I have put into this document yes it is a black issue and yes it is a white issue. I hope by me researching and presenting this here, it helps people see that every culture has contributed to the human story in many good ways and these should be remembered. It is not just white people doing this to black people it is both ways and it is white people doing this to white people and black people doing this to black people. These are the facts. Yet, in a way, the fact that in one way or another all of our ancestors have been doing this in the past actually provides us with the chance to move beyond the issue and to solve the issues of the past the best we can

Patrick Hutchenson the man that carried off and helped save the counter-protestor in London showed that this is an issue of finding ways to greater connection to people, even if we do not agree with them. We can see beyond our difference. The main characteristic is that we all have a belief in ourselves to talk and we defended freedom of speech.

I would sooner be with the person that has the most different beliefs than I do than be with a computer that tells me I cannot speak.

The reason that there has been so much prejedice in history is due to reactions of being in a similar situation, due to greed, fear and disrespecting people as people.. Fear and very well justified fear due to the Romans, The Vikings, the tribes of Europe, the occupation of Southern Europe by the Moors. This is then not also considering similar issues playing out in Asia too.

People have had the fear, sometimes well founded that the tables would be turned.. The black man although hurt, injured and surviving from so many hundreds of years of slavery and racism is doing a Nelson Mandela. A Nelson Mandela is saying I want to move forward from here and that requires I sit down and talk with those that have ruined the past. Forgiveness' is the message in the Bible and that really is the only viable way forward politically. 

I went to Notting Hill Carnival with my black friend, Kirk various times. There was one time where the small street we were in was very very crowded. The sound system was pumping out loudly jungle and the atmosphere was not good. People by the hundred were being pushed towards a bottle neck in the street and people were getting closer and closer to each other. Thousands of people were moving towards a crush. Kirk then said to me, “Pete have you noticed anything? “ I said “what do you mean by that?”. He said there is not a good atmosphere, there could be trouble here. Within ten seconds of him saying that the crowd pushed to the sides and a man stood there with a bottle over another man’s head.” As he did this Kirk grabbed the man's arm tight. He said to him “Do you know what you are doing?” “You are doing something that is against the community.” “You are doing something that nobody wants, put that bottle down now.” The man looked at Kirk and said “yes and agreed He did not do that because of the police. In fact, if the police would have been closeby then the situation may not have resolved so easily. He took the better action because of the importance and consideration of others around him.

What happened is he handed the bottle to Kirk and he walked away. To do this Kirk had been very brave, and we spoke of this afterward. When I mentioned it a few years later Kirk said he couldn’t recall this event, with a smile.

The point is that the Community through people like Kirk is self-managed. The police can provide a supporting role. However, communities can look after themselves better, especially when there is something to lose, such as a community centre opportunity. A creative space where people have new opportunities created through cooperation in the same way the internet works, though in a local setting. Just like with the monuments issue this is attempting to find a middle ground where people can relate in a supportive and non- confrontational way. Whilst this is experimental on this level. I have done a similar project in London in the 90’s and it was a great success. Many people loved the centre, saying it was the best thing in their lives. 

. So linking this to what is happening in the USA. The truth is that communities to some extent can self manage, to some extent. However, when you have almost a “Militarized type police force” then it becomes so easily, “them against us”. So, to remedy this required both the police force and the local community feeling like they are able to be in the same space, unarmed and get something, some new benefit to their lives. If they can find new ways to work together then the whole community will align to this. Yet all the time their is any form of racism there is the spirit of the people to say no and reject this.

In Spain, I worked with many people from Senegal. They were from the Mandinka tribe. The same people that the story Roots is based upon. I met and got to know many of them. I was one of the only people from outside of their group that they would bring into their house and sit and drink tea with. I can assure anyone, these people are so community tight.

When they say this man is my brother, they mean it. These types of ideas a values are now a part of America.

If you want to understand what America really is then you cannot dismiss the Spanish influence or the 800 years of Africa on Spain. Africa brought street lighting to Cordoba in Spain 200 years before it was in Paris or London. Before Northern Europe had libraries, Spain had seventy together with Cordoba Library having more than 500,000 manuscripts. The Moors introduced paper. When the leaders and the people of France, Germany and The UK were living in quite basic houses the Moor leaders had built full palaces. Palaces with plumbing and water fountains that were gravity fed.

So the truth is that when Christopher Columbus set sail, he left Europe from what was the most advanced part of it at the time Spain. It was also the part that had gone through the most change and the seeking out of trade routes made sense to anew revived Spain. They went out to trade and then found America.

That whole ambitious way of thinking that America has become that has enable the USA to achieve so much in the world. A part of that would have come from Africa from long before the Transatlantic route and actually been written out of history.

Equally you cannot dismiss the generations of thinking of togetherness that is a part of the African people and the African American population. Instead we can learn from this. Is it any coincidence that The Moors were so advanced, beyond Europe at the time and at the same time these people valued community and cooperation among each other and also with other peoples. To know exactly which of these technologies they had invented and which they had traded and found is much more research. What we do know though is their introduction of these change Europe and therefore the USA forever.

Looking at the issues in the US and UK from the perceptions of community.

When a white cop kills a black man that cop is disrupting the community and the community responds. That is how it is. America. The country of the USA does have more of a part of African than is realized. Whilst 13% is a demographic figure cited, there are both Spanish and Moorish influences there too.

All the time that the USA treats the African American population as if they sort of fit into the county, yet not really. Then the USA is pushing people back to coping systems that put aside their differences if there are bigger problems to consider. This is why street gangs have put down their differences in protests. In a community of subtle and evident racism, Community becomes a way to manage. It is 1, 2 and 3 in terms of priorities. So therefore, when a police officer kills one, he hurts communities, this then affects millions. This is what the events of recent weeks and times previously have shown. 

 An African proverb is that it is that enough sticks together and it is impossible to break. Therefore, the emphasis really is on the system itself to find a way to sort this out. Whilst my work in some ways is experimental in other ways it has already proven it’s worth.

 There is no way to crush the spirit of people. Their spirit and their fight will come out again, and again and again. The only way to progress as a country is to give the police officers the chance to adapt, to re-calibrate and to treat all people as people. If they cannot do that then they are a part of the problem for America.

The lofty ideals of the founding fathers were not achieved in their lifetime. We cannot judge them for that. However, they can potentially be achieved today. If you are unable to leave your house without fear it does not make too much difference if you are a Black man in America today. The stress of being hurt or killed or arrested for no reason does not induce a sense of calm.

So the USA is a country of freedom. Not freedom for some at the cost to another, but freedom for all.

From here back to the monuments.

I hope that people are accommodating with the monuments that they can live with when the people represented have also done well. There can be better information and these can be monuments to a better understanding or they can be destroyed in which case the conversation is also destroyed. The history is one of the most important stories ever to be told. Yet told with better interpretation now, than all the incorrect or selective ways of before.      

Someone else could then find any painting, artwork or monument offensive. Going by that argument they would not use money either as new money made from plastic could be described as art and also includes animal products. So there has to be reason and good interpretation. Taking away a monument never takes away the past. However by explaining the past and people today questioning this art becomes a part of a representation of today and how we have become aware of other people. If we cannot make a comparison to the past as not being as good as today then we lose our sense of context in the improvements in understadning that are being made.

So the reality of it is we have to live in a world where some representations of art, although difficult to have on one level is actually tolerated on another level for the common good of all, for the wider community.

Where of course this is an issue though is with slavery. As that is much closer to home as an issue for some people than others. Yet, in reality when the history is properly considered the issue of “slavery” should be considered so wrong to all of us. I have shown here all of us have been affected by this and all of us have been affected in some ways by racism.

So really the statues of slave owners should be as offensive to many, if we all knew our history better.

The fact is that the statue in Bristol was only fifty miles from the place that white families live that had their own family members taken into slavery by Vikings and by Black and Brown skinned Moors. That is the truth and that is the real history. So if there was to be a monument that told the real truth then standing next to that Monument of Colson would be a statue of a Devonshire farmer being taken off to Africa. Well of course that would be completely wrong to a person from Devon or actually anyone that is British, so it is the same with Colson.

So the fact that that statue had been there so long is simply representative of the fact that British people had forgotten that we too once were in the same situation. That statue when you understand history is really not a Black issue only it is an issue of humanity. It is an issue of White British people too our forefathers were wrong to engage in slavery and for those that at the tme fled from Europe to become the colonists of the USA. They were also trying to get away from persecution at the time.

Human beings should not be chained and worked to death. That is the simple truth. So if that statue is put into a museum and both sides of the story are told properly IE this statue was pulled down by people on this particular date. They were people that were of all colours and this is why that statue is considered so wrong and this is why the statue has remained for so long unconsidered by some then there is some sort of resolution. There is then closure in that. There is a proper and correct representation of the truth. Not from anyone perspective but from many in a way that is sensitive and respectful to all. There is just honesty. Honesty about history and not agendas.

 Checking the statue issue again.

Do the left find a statue of a white slave owner offensive, yes. Does a person find a statue of a Viking or a Black person that was capturing people for slavery offense? Yes. Therefore, it’s plainly clear to see that that statue is best in a museum. Yet over-interpreting all history takes away from the fact that we think in improved ways and should be proud of how we think today much more so than upset about a past we cannot change. We should bless the past and create new possitve history in the present more.

The truth is that monuments are important they are something that keeps the past understood and actually the present in check too. 

It could be said that almost every old bridge and civil engineering work, the pyramids, many great ancient monuments in the world on may UNESCO site and the contents of every city is representative in some way of the wrongs of the past slavery. Every modern home also and every computer and every mobile phone is representative in some way to this. So to be completely correct on this issue, do we get dispose of most European buildings? El Alhambra?. Where Christopher Columbus got his support to discover America. So clearly we have to be sensible with this otherwise we have to get rid of buildings, computers, mobile phones, electrical devises that require copper, money, art work that is made with animal products. Essentially we have to go back to living in a way that is post technological, which of course is taking this all way, way too far for everyone. So again, this issue comes back to feeling a sense of responsibility for other people some of which do not think in the way that we do, however the freedom that we have is for people to be able to think differently. That is the first freedom, freedom in thinking. 

Millennial thinking and thinking of earlier generations, where is the balance.

The issue is past present future.

In 1950’s Britain. People saw a negative past, a more positive future that they had won. The present was good and the future exciting.

In 2010 Britain. The past is much better than the present. The present is difficult and the future seems without hope due to a convergence of many issues.

So that is a lot for a few generations to consider. However, when added to that there is racism in the present and the ancestor of that, slavery. The issue that is the worst is actually being treated as normal, then that creates what’s best described as a “cluster fuck” in too many peoples’ minds. Life just seems so without hope past present, future. So there really is not talking up this. There really need to be answers for today.

I believe there are, however there are some essentials. 1. Society has to start being there for all the people, not just some and multinational companies. 2. There needs to be genuine win-win answers instigated to create a better life for more people in the present. 3. There needs to be a proper explanation of history from all perspectives. That is European, American, African and Asian. You cannot properly understand one without the other. Therefore, if there is a European Colonial Bias then that creates hurt and issues from the past. People feel unrepresented or just dismissed from the history books. 4. There needs to be an awareness of how all people see a subject and a monument, not just one side or another or that in itself is a form of perpetuating colonization. 5. Monuments of people directly involved in Slavery removed. 6, Those that had some involvement and yet had many other very substantial redeeming qualities presented in a truer way. 7. Many new monuments and plaques to those people today that are making positive changes in countries and Internationally. 9. Indegenous people and people of colour in all Western Countries that have played a part in where we have got today acknowledged with statues. 8. An understanding by governments that when the present seems to have little hope then people cannot help thinking of how the world got into this situation and therefore become frustrated by the past. So the government would best work more not less to balance out the inequalities in their countries and the wider world.

Christopher Columbus.

He is symbolic of the first colonization of North America to many indigenous people. He is considered the first founder of the USA for what it is today. During his lifetime he would have been considered the person that had helped the Spanish get over 800 years of their own colonization by reaching beyond their own shores. The largest annual celebration is the Moors and Christians. This is to celebrate the defeat of the Moors from the Country. 

Whilst advancements were brought no people like being colonized for 800 years. So Columbus leaving for The Americas and arriving the same year. This expedition could be cited as The Spanish and Portuguese wanting themselves to get over their Colonial past. So to the Spanish Christopher Columbus is a historical figure to be proud of. To many Indigenous people he represents the colonialism of the Americas together with other explorers. Columbus day today is also Indigenous People’s Day to recognize the effect of colonialism. It’s really not easy for me to make any judgment on how people feel about this. This is very personal to them and all my suggestion in this document I make to try to propose a way forward to help unite and not divide people over issues that are complex for all of us to deal with. I return to what i have said before that in order to move forward we have to be more focused on the present and the future. We cannot change the past and the best we can do is try to put the past into a way in which is life-affirming. It presents the truth and that is that people will always resist and climb out of an exploitative situation in the best way they can.

Columbus is a part of US history, yet it is firstly a lie to say he discovered a country that had been inhabited for centuries before. It is also not true depicting him as the first European. It’s clear that the Vikings were there first and considering there are cordial links between the First People and the Vikings, if this can help people feel better in the present then perhaps it is better to give the Vikings a truer representation. Yet, that alone is not the full truth either. He Vikings were different to how they are depicted and therefore to present them in their true lights adds to the human story.

So to Spanish in the 1500’s they would have been seen Columbus as a hero releasing them from their colonization under the Moors and yet the Moors in the form of Algerians were then the later liberators of France. So the truth is there are many more perceptions too who Christopher Columbus was. 1. Explorer. 2. Iberator of slaves from Europe. 3 Symbolic of the colonization in the Americas. So as we cannot remove all history, and taking down a statue does not change the past, having a more complete view of the past and then presenting the positives of all and having a much greater sensitivity in the future to my mind seem to present a way towards a middle ground.

 I usually always like to find real win-win answer in my Integrated Strategy documents. For which on ever occasion in the past it’s been feasible to do. With this one, how people feel about their own history is subjective and so I have done the best and put this out more as a discussion, as I cannot actually see a way for everyone to win with this.

To keep some statues there as they are is a no-win or to take these down is a no-win for others. Changing the meaning and finally paying proper respect to the people of all ethnicities that have helped create and build countries seems to be about the best answer I can find, with improved historical information from all principle perspectives. This way we do not forget the past we represent it though for the first time properly and therefore we all benefit as there is more education people that can see and understand the more complex human story, which is closer to the truth and life-affirming for the future.

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

These are the Iiberators of people from Europe, founders of the USA and slave owners. So if you take away all the symbols and all the history of a country then it does not actually make a better country what it does is creates the chance for mistakes in the past to be made again. So there is good reason from an anti-slavery perspective for there to be these symbols of what went on and a fuller truth presented. To take all of them down is not right either. So therefore, each monument and symbol should be considered in it’s own proper way from a balanced perspective. Is the USA better for having the staues of George Washington and other leaders of it’s past like Abraham Lincoln present yes, certainly definitely affirmatively? Abramam Lincoln the man that instituted abolitionism in the USA was a slave owner. Ghandi, who documents cited as racist comments in his earliest career in South Africa, However, after leaving Colonial South Africa went on to begin the first major non violent protests. His work was inspirational to many including Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandella.

Did he say good and bad things whilst he was liberating Europe and saving it from fascism? Yes. Of course. The fact is Winston Churchill was not perfect, neither. If we look at only the bad or the good we get a wrong impression. We have to look at everything and in the context of the time they lived and therefore make balanced judgments upon that. If we only look at one side of any subject we can get completely wrong interpretations.

If you really selectively consider only some information of Hitler then this is what you could find.

1.   He began Europe’s first vegetarian society. 2. He used the word socialism a lot.(yes everything he did when in power was everything other than this.) 3. He promoted the Volkswagen. So technically, VW cars the VW combi van are synonymous with tolerant surf dudes. If you look at Winston Churchill selectively then you see only the comment above and not the great things he did in stopping all the wrongs of world war 2..

Yet, the reality is that tens of millions of people died due to the actions of Hitler, many more had families split between the Iron Curtain and Hitler almost destroyed two continents. He tried to destroy London and this was prevented due to the actions of Churchill. So the inescapable truth is that without the actions of Churchill in various ways it could have otherwise been impossible for us to even have the freedom today to be able to discuss a Statue of him. However, putting balance to this the work of Alan Turing also was completely pivotal to saving the country and ending the war and therefore his representation would be beneficial, that’s without the consideration of inventing the computer. There are just so many people that have been inspirational and achieved good things in the world aside for anything related in any way to colonializm. Therefore, I return here to the question of de-colonization of history and I do agree. This would be real progress. Whilst the document I write here is for now, to try and find better answers than two sectors of society at odds to what the history is. I consider it better to look at all of it from many perspectives as the only way to improve the conversation. This subject is a massive subject and hopefully, this adds to the conversation in a constructive way.

Churchill stopped that with the help of the USA and Russia and as a result Europe has been free since and so has the USA and then so has Russia been.

So the presentation of history in its full form is really important. Putting more information there so that there is a more balanced conversation of issues makes sense. This is if we want a society where there is free speech and good decisions are made. Either way we need perspective and so looking at issues and people from only one perspective cannot build bridges in the way bridges so desperately require making. Representing the average person as well is something that is done very well in Spain with monuments. This really is a very special feature in Spain. The sculptures, the art the design. The fact that modern Spanish design uses and reclaims it’s past is a part of what makes Spain such a wonderful country. They are starting to really make the best of their past and bring it into the future and it works and appeals. 

What is also really important is to understand that every decade on this planet people think a little differently from the decade before. The people in one decade will again think very differently from us.

The way we are today in ten or twenty years time will seem really old fashioned. This is progress, people at any moment in time think where they are at that moment is where it really is at in history. This though has changed a bit since the Millennium and speaking with Millennial’s they do have justified concerns and therefore, this is what we should be considering very much and helping their lives to be easier by making the changes today that help us and yet also help them. 

We are human beings that all look differently from each other all think differently from each other. We are at our best when we can see the good in other people and find harmony in that. We are at our worst when we cannot see the good in other people and only find faults. If you are very good at finding faults in people then that is a more than a full-time job for life. However, seeing the good in people reconnects you to the wonder and the discovery in the world you experienced from your earliest memories as a child. There is a fascination and an awareness that we all have so much to learn in our new surroundings in the world.

So what is the solution to all this?

1.   Tel l the history of the past how it really was. Do not just tell one side of the story tell both or many sides of the story.

2.   Try to work to create structures in our own minds and communities and our world which works towards something better in the present to create opportunities.

3.   Put energy and effort into the present so we can do better than our ancestors in many more ways. Accept both the good and the not so good in what they did. Be aware of not having monuments that really cause people to feel bad. However, be aware that we today can learn from all of the rights and wrongs of the past and wake up each morning and work in some way to help our communities, countries or planet. Help create a life that is better for all of us.

The Right tend to look back more to heritage

There are three aspects to be considered. 1. Heritage is important. 2. Human societies from 100 years to today have become increasingly less racist and more tolerant of others. This can be seen especially through print and film. So the historical and the ethical meanings have changed. There have also been two different cultural and historical narratives that have emerged.

There were a great many black people who have been named after Winston Churchill They should all feel proud. Proud that they are doing the best they are doing in the time they live and that their parents did the best they could in the times they lived. They were trying to find a place and a way to live within the country they are in. They may have called so many of their children Winston as they believed in the overall message of Winston Churchill and that was of liberation from the oppression of all British people and Europeans too.

We have all progressed and we today now have the means to see the full picture, the full perspective of our own ancestors pasts in ways that they simply could not. The fact is that the history of Europe, USA, African and South America can not be properly understood without looking at all of it.

 So to summarize. The Asian Mongols and the African Moors were the major colonizing force of Europe that brought great innovation to Europe and yet also enslaved people. The Vikings, Romans, Greeks and many other civilizations were doing this too. The Romans from the beginning had a black influence too. The Viking went to many place, more than they are considered for, so did Asian Mariners and possibly other civilizations cross The Pacific. Most if not all major Civilizations have played a part in both sides of slavery been the victims and the perpetrators.The Moorish order fell and within one year a new order began with the so called “discovery” of the Americas by Christopher Columbus. However, the new order that he pioneered then went on to cause the demise of many first peoples in the Americas. It also though gave freedom to many in Europe from systems that they were escaping from due to many reasons famine, serfdom and a lack of freedom to create a free country for themselves in the colonies.

The regime they were under was oppressive too and they responded with the war of Independence. Yet, by finding their freedom they continued to enslave Africans. The Africans and the people of Europe and people in the USA worked to be free for hundreds of years. There was resistance to this by some that along with other issues of their own sense of independence and freedom caused the civil war. After the civil war the institution of slavery was abolished. However, there was the creation of what became known as Jim Crow Laws. These were oppressive. However there were also white groups, that considered that the tables could be turned and resisted rights. Many of these people were from working class backgrounds that had gotten away from Europe. The unconsidered fact that slavery had been a part of Europe for thousands of years and the USA was seen for many as the first-ever place of hope and Freedom. The people white people of the South of the USA were a combination of aristocrats, working class people and also people that had been enslaved.

So the history of the past is a history of colonization and what has so often gone with that which is the enslavement and rights taken away and the murder of peoples.

The recent wars in the Middle East were in many ways very much the repeating of history in terms of taking resources and the oppression that went with that. Now thank goodness there has been a move on from that and there is a sense of real genuine support and the call for a better society and country being heard for all.

What really needs to progress is not just the static monuments, it’s the static thinking. We can make things better. We do need to be aware that everyone thinks differently from each other. We are all different people and yet if we can find common ground and common sense we can see that we are interdependent upon each other. Our histories are all filled with both the wrongs and the rights of those that went before us. There is no way to compensate adequately for the terrible losses to those on the transatlantic route. There are many facts, figures statistics and stories of suffering, however I have written this document as I know we can do so much today to make life better for all.

In seeing though that there have been great civilizations in Africa, that have been written out of the history books, that are not taught properly in schools. A history that we should know that shows that throughout time there have been so many great achievements by so many peoples that we have all benefited from. By realizing that we find something closer to the full truth. Yet we will never fully know the past, we will only have small aspects of this, however to try to fill the present and the future with more love than there has been before is achievable.

Our interdependency on others requires that we have an awareness and a respect for people and the environment and a part of that environment is the environment created by other people that think differently from ourselves. So in nature there are aspects of other factors around us that are perfectly in alignment to how we are in the world. We do not live in Utopia, yet Utopia itself as described by Plato including slavery. So aspiring towards utopia is a dystopian idea in itself Instead the best we can do is create is something better, more aware and yet forgiving of the past.

If enough of us do that together then what we create today can be some much better than it’s been before in thousands of years. The ludites destroyed the machines as they saw them as a threat to their own wellbeing. If that would have continued forever then we would have lost everything. However, on one hand they did have a point and here today we are in a time where people are so much being replaced by machines there is equally a concern. It’s time to go back to the craftsmanship perhaps of the past and ensure people really are free and to achieve the freedom that was written into the Constitution in the USA is a process and the next step on that process is creating policing that is conducive to everyone being able to have “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”. If some or many of the concepts in this document are instigated then perhaps that dream can be much closer.

For us to get there requires beating this Covid19 concern to all. Here are some notes on the Integrated Strategy for Covid19. It’s not the full answer, yet it is progress towards better answers for all.

This morning I found out that another black man. A man sleeping in his car. Rayshard Brooks. When a person is asleep they are in a very vulnerable place. They are slower in their thinking when they wake up. They are in a different state of consciousness. Nobody is aggressive immediately after they wake up unless they are very scared. It is a great tragedy that this has happened again and again I refer back to communication methods. The aggression that followed that resulted in a murder is more than a tragedy, it’s avoidable. This is preventable. We have to put the past behind us.

To create oppression against any people is doing the same mistake the Europeans did to their own people that led to America being created in the first place. Society has to move on from the past. Today is one day on the path to greater equality and understanding which has to be found. This is my contribution to hopefully finding a way through to a better place for all from five hundred years and much more of really dysfunctional, cruel and a history with so many wrongs. I have not listed either what I experienced myself either. This I hope provides enough of an answer to move forward from here so that all lives can finally start to matter. 

This document has been written in haste due to the present situation. It is not edited and therefore please allow for errors. If there are any repeats in here, and I’m sure there many then please do not be too surprised we have heard the same history repeated for decades that in many ways has been wrong, at least hopefully these repeats set the record straight a bit better.

The history has to be told that advanced civilizations of the past were something as much as from Africa and they were from Europe, as much from Asia and the Americas.

When we see this in this context then really it’s plain to see that in so many ways we are all in the same situation and we know some and have been lied to. Whilst this may have worked for narrow interest colonial agendas of the past it does not do justice to any of our ancestors and their struggles. Hopefully with more information known there can be more forgiveness, better policing and we can get closer to really healing the past in order to create a better present and future for all.

Covid19- My previous Integrated Strategy work was to generate answers for this. Here is a summary of my findings.

My answers are process-based. Therefore, I obtain information and then this should be well utilized and any amount of resources put into this answer as a process. So what answers have I so far produced to Covid19 and published and then consequently to this “the experts” have actually started to find and prove that I am correct.

1. Fermented foods- There is a correlation that I discovered that is seemingly 100% accurate that the countries that eat the most fermented foods in their diet are the most resistant to Covid19. This is on a sliding scale so countries that eat some fermented foods like Russia and Germany are better than countries than some yet not as good as the others.

2. Anti-Malarial Drugs- This I published at the end of Feburary and posted this in Washington DC as this was a very likely place to find a potentially effective treatment. To date some positive results have been found with some drugs to this there have been people that have had a rapid recovery. However, there has been controversy with this too. France stopped using one form of Anti Malarial. What the issue is though is that the doctors should be working with me on this, request I have made to specialists to work with me have been ignored. It has just been announced that my suggestion of anti-malerial drugs have been proven to be correct.

3. The connection to the rainforest- The knowledge of the rainforest is essential, however, the way in which that knowledge is obtained is critical as the indigenous people may only have half the answer themselves and therefore a very safe way of communicating and sharing knowledge that is safe for them is essential. Indigenous people have more medical knowledge than Allopathic medicine in some respects as much medicine has originally come from their knowledge in some way. The way in which they are communicated with must be respectful as I mention getting the answer to Covid19 is a process. Before putting too much faith in any form or Western medicine alone, We have to look very carefully at what this virus is. It is a rapidly mutating virus. It’s mutated more than 30 times and this could render any form of injection impossible to cure this. This could mutate into anything. Therefore, the worst-case scenario of Covid19 is we are going the same way as the dinosaurs. Namely, this could cause human extinction if not handled with “the best science” and everything other than “the best science” has been applied by any country so far. “The best science” is looking at all data we collectively know between all of us that are producing answers and I have not been contacted for my findings yet by any Scientific organization, even though I have consistently produced findings they are copying to some extent in their own ways.

4. The connection of wheat in diet. This is proving to be 100% consistent on how susceptible countries are to Covid19. The more highly refined processed wheat is consumed. The more susceptible populations are those that eat the most highly processed wheat. USA. Italy, France, UK all have alot of processed wheat in their diet. In Brazil wheat products are subsidized and so pasta and bread forms a major part of the diet. In countries like Germany and Russia less highly processed wheat more Sourdough wheat, therefore less Covid19 and faster recovery rates. Greece, South Korea more fermented foods. Africa and Asia which have staples other than wheat have the most resistant populations to Covid19. This is why Vietnam had just 300 cases with almost 100% recovery rate.

The connection to food in prevention, recovery and fatality rate is in all statistics, here are a few.

Sweden 35,727 cases 4266 fatalities. Singapore 33,249 cases. 22 fatalities.

How can it possibly be that Singapore has a recovery rate thousands of times better than Sweden with the same amount of people infected if there is not a dietary link. However, the difference in figures plays out worldwide. Where there are some of the most populated countries on Earth link Indonesia and Nigeria that have low infection rate and very high recovery. Yet in countries like The USA and Spain very high inflection rates and very low recovery. Of the populations that are suffering the most they have secondary conditions, use medication that affects digestion, have hypertension which affects digestion. The massive rise and drops in infection rates that I show later prove that Covid19 is very much a stress-related illness as well as a digestive related illness. The better your diet, the less stress you have and the greater happiness and sense of connection and community you have in your life the more protected you are from Covid19. To confirm this please check the statistics after reading this to confirm the correlation.

5. Island nations that have low wheat high fermented foods, low stress, plenty of fresh air with minerals in the air consistently worldwide have low infection rates, lower mortality rates and higher recovery rates. There are many small island nations in the Caribbean that have 100% recovery rates. Of the seven US states with the least infections, highest recovery, lowest death of the healthiest seven states in the USA five of them are island states, the other two, one is Alaska, the highlands of the USA and the other is a state with some of the best air of all states. In the UK the highlands of Scotland. In Spain the island states are less than the mainland. Whilst the most polluted areas such as in and around cities consistently are the most affected areas. Countries like Australia and New Zealand where the populations lived close to the sea were the lowest affected areas. Whilst the South West of England with a prevailing wind coming from the sea the lowest affected area in the Uk. Whilst the thinking has been that the clusters are caused by a high population area and that is why cities are the most affected. To get the goodness from the sea one way I have been trying is to get the best quality natural sea salt as that contains many of the ood minerals of the sea, diluting and drinking this. 

6. Science I have discovered is that all of these island nations have had 100% recovery. Ie all cases of Covid19 recovered. New Caledonia, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Sait Kites, Faulkland Islands, Seychelles, Papua New Guinea, Caribean Netherlands, St Barts, Saint Pierre,Fiji, Antigua, Barbuda, Montserrat, Grenada. These are all 100% recovery. Whilst these islands have small populations, Covid19 did not know that when it arrived there. The virus infected some people, which then spread to more and then everyone recovered. There have been zero fatalities on any of these island nations, 100% recovery. I’m asking why? Yet, neither government nor scientists are even considering this vitally important data. In other words, they are rushing around looking for something new that affects Covi19 recovery rates when it already exists and is evident to see. Whilst governments want economic recovery, scientists are not convinced it is safe enough to relax some lockdowns. My data answers both of their considerations and yet is ignored.

7. To further confirm my findings these other island nations have had near 100% recovery. Turks & Caicos, Saint Martin, St Vincent, Grenada, Saint Martin, British Virgin Islands, Burundi, Sint Martin. This all proved unequivocally that human survival and recovery rates with Covid 19 are directly linked to minerals and vitamins in the body. All of these islands have in common the fact that the populations are in closer contact to the minerals found in sea air that populations in other parts of the world. Covid19 struggles to survive and cannot perpetuate its spread to other members of the population when it is dealing with bodies rich in the minerals in abundance in sea air. That is the only common denominator between all of these diverse locations. When this information is also aligned with the information that correlated in the context of fermented foods being good and highly processed wheat having lower recovery rates a clear picture of a food connection to Covid19 and it’s capacity over people is clearly evident and clearly ignored and therefore the best science to solving Covid19 is not occurring.

8. The stress and the love link to Covid19 is the most extraordinary discovery I have made. In the USA the most major drop in infections occurred on Mothers Day. May 10th. However, the greatest peaks on days that are stressful days. 1. Holocaust day. April 26th. In Iran the Celebration of Quuds Day May 22nd marked a dramatic decline, which is also linked to Ramadan and therefore fasting and digestive health. The UK experienced a great decline on the 20th May, which was also Meditation day. Yet a massive spike at the time Boris Johnson was in Intensive care and being released. Russia massive drop on the celebration of Eibe Day. The day Russia and US forces defeated Germany in WW2. The day marking the liberation of Germany in Germany also had Covid19 infections reported drop very substantially. The 19th of May the day it was announced that the UK was going to bulk buy drugs, again the infection rate dropped significantly. So my statistical research on this has been limited however when looking at charts every major step up or step down in a country I have seen does appear to have a correlation that relates to stress and equally to love. The most loving day of the year in the USA Mothers Day, the best example of this. The links between food and hypertension with Covid19 are here, yet not being discussed anywhere in the media. This is helping the virus and the nature of this virus actually being known and understood. What is fascinating is that there does seem to be a level of consciousness, positive thinking and then the physiological effects of that that does affect Covid19.

9. Melatonin. BAME communities and children all have different resistance to COVID19 as reported in the press. There has been some institutional racism as cited in a report today. However, I believe there is more to this. My statistical research led me to consider Melatonin as a part of the answer. Differing races of people have differing levels of Melatonin in the body. Children have more and this gradually decreases as we get older. The elderly have the least. Melatonin can be found in Rice, pulses, Nuts and in various other foods and supplement the body. When people become much more elderly their skin becomes paler, this is due to the less melatonin in their bodies. Melatonin can be supplemented by food and by pills. This could explain why populations that eat more rice are more resistant to Covid19 than populations that eat bread. It also could explain why Children are more resistant to Covid19 as their bodies have more of this in the body. It could also explain why Covid19 is having deferring effects on BANE communities. In Africa or in Asia BANE populations will likely eat more rice and therefore this is very good for them in the context of Covid19. However, when they are in either Europe or the USA. There is more of a likelihood of them having a different diet particularly if they are in low paid, highly stressed jobs, that have late hours, which affects melatonin levels and then additionally if people are eating highly processed wheat rather than rice. Which they are more likely to do as it’s frequently more convenient whilst in low paid employment with unsociable hours. In addition to this if they are not eating fermented foods then they are making it more difficult for their bodies feasibly to recover from Covid 19. This is also the situation with all employees working night shifts where there body clocks are affected, with affected Melatonin in their bodies as science does already demonstrate, then they are more susceptible to Covid19. The good news is that if this is known then people can have additional protection from the virus if my theory is correct by requesting that the government does more research on my findings. After I first published on the fermented foods link Imperial College set up a research department in this, yet I believe they are still months behind my work.

So what are some of the conclusions of all this study for myself?

Eat a balanced diet with vitamin supplements. Take more supplements than you usually would in order to provide immune system protection. Include in your diet rice and pulses. Include also fermented foods and probiotics regularly into your diet. If you get Covid19 as I have, then use diet, any natural antiviral foods you have access too. If you provide strong support to your body through food then this can perhaps reduce the chance of the body having an over-reaction to Covid19 which is what is where Covid19 is becoming the most concerning. Oxygen is being used in hospitals and is proving to be effective against the virus. However, any additional ways to increase oxygen in the body such as exercises of through supplementation could also be considered.

Whilst I’m not doctor and doctors advice should always be followed. The fact is that at the moment not all the science and the food and mineral supplementation links to Covid19 in providing personal protection are not being considered not presented to the general public and to doctors and nurses so they can decide for themselves if this information is of us.

Whilst this may not have evidence derived from a laboratory to confirm all this the evidence is gathered from the whole world and is based on first-hand treatment of COvid19 and statistical evidence. Therefore, what the government can improve is to present the full data that I have and based upon what is clearly evident and what is perhaps speculative let the public make up their own minds. This should of course be in association with doctors, however, there is too much data here to ignore. I suggest that if someone has Covid19 then they may consider eating more of the above foods listed and possibly less highly processed wheat whilst they are recovering. Wheat is associated with 50% of the allergies of patients to the NHS. In addition, a New York Hospital announced that 50.5% of Covid19 patients originally complained of digestion issues before respiratory. Whilst one of the main symptoms of Covid19 cited relates to digestion.

Finally, after I promoted the potential link to Melatonin as being a factor in Covid19 there have been tests tried with the supplement Melatonin and these have proven to be successful. There is a melatonin Covid19 link and this should be known. Additionally, The Covid Toes Syndrome together with rashes on the body which occurs in some cases does again align to the science that this is like an allergy and therefore most likely linked to digestion. If you want to protect yourself from Covid19 perhaps the best place to begin is with inner PPE as well as outer PPE. Whilst this is not the whole answer this certainly is some of the answers and therefore this should be getting properly openly discussed in the media and not just be on blogs sites, month after month if there is to be a fast and effective ending of lockdown then all science should be considered and that this what’ “best science” actually is. Ignoring clear facts as it does not fit into pre-conceived ideas doe not take us closer to better protection from this virus. This information I believe certainly does.

In terms of improvement to other aspects of the strategy, there is far too much to say than to start writing here, yes it can be easier and better for everyone in every area by using better strategy work, however, there are vast areas for improvement in all aspects of the methods being used presently to solve Covid19.

There is certainly a food link to this virus, I know I have used it against the virus. it is not the full answer yet it can substantially increase recovery rates and enable people to protect themselves in a more informed way based upon all science and not just selective science. This information should be known and discussed, debated science becomes better through this latest hypothesis.


There is a link with evidence to fermented foods, probiotics, melatonin (as in supplementary obtained in foods), additional vitamin and mineral supplements such a Vitamin C and some foods and herbs being of some benefit and boosting the immune system helping us counteract the effects of Covid19. In addition, the minerals in sea salt. This is why there are many island communities with 100% recovery rate from Covid19.

Whilst children are mostly immune to the virus. The virus affects the elderly and BAME people that live in the UK. and USA being affected most, whilst people of the same communities in other countries are much more resistant to Covid19 than anyone in the UK or USA. The reason I believe is due to Melatonin. We have melatonin naturally this decreases with age. People with darker skin have differing amounts. However, people of the same ethnicity who are in countries that eat a diet rich in Melatonin supplements through eating melatonin rich foods are seemingly more resistant to this virus. Diet is without a doubt a very major factor with Covid19.

I know this for certain, not only through my experience but also by being able to link up statistical data worldwide that is not being factored in when the mindset is taken that the only possible treatment or cure to Covid19 is via vaccinations. The truth is there should be a two-track method to treatment. Use the method the government is citing and then present fully and in detail a method of supplements based upon the very best analysis of statistical science worldwide.

The method I have as it is, is not a “cure”“ to the virus, this is in terms of strengthening people’s immune systems to the virus and to weakening the virus when it is in the body, therefore the correct sort of diet gives people an inner PPE. This is more of a Popeye treatment than a “cure’.

Another way of looking at this is; If you go outside in the middle of winter when it’s -5% without wearing adequate clothing you are much more likely to a cold. If you do that enough then even as a healthy person, you could die from a cold. So what we do is we try to stay in when it's cold we protect ourselves both with outer PPE, ie warm clothes and inner PPE by eating foods that feel intuitively correct.

Whilst the other option could be to remain outside with few clothes on and hope that vaccination is found for the cold. My method is to look to all answers. The government method and that of the opposition currently and of mainstream medical science including the UK, WHO has been to only look at the vaccination being the cure for the cold. I say they are not right in their approach and we have to look at food and vaccination for both Covid19.

Why looking only for a one size fits all vaccination is not the correct approach. Their science is based upon the notion that this virus is predictable in terms of spread, treatment and recovery. yet this virus has proven to be so completely anomalous in every statistic this is clearly not so.

There are other factors. If there were not other factors then there would by now be an even spread around the world. The same amount of infections with the same amount of recoveries. A country with a more dense population would not be able to socially distance as effectively. Sure there would be some areas that would have bigger and some smaller clusters. Yet the disparities of Covid19 in terms of how it affects countries and people so completely different depending on where and who you are, age, hypertension levels, ethnicities, pre-existing conditions. There are other factors I believe. this is due to the fact that a wide series of anomalies that are evident.

These are essential clues in helping us solve the “case” of Covid19.

When the police try to solve a crime they look for errors made. Ie if a house is burgled whether or not fingerprints or an item of clothing is left. It is from errors that investigators can obtain the most information.

So in addition to the information, I had on this virus that I obtained intuitively and through testing my thesis on the virus. I obtained some information and have been tracking the virus to find the anomalies it has been making in its very much other than steady progression through humanity and found that the clues it’s leaving behind correlate perfectly with my hypothesis.

The disparity between cases and recovery rates in countries is 100% evident to see and is 100% ignored by the so-called “best science” being considered and presented. This can be confirmed on Worldometercom. In every country where they have the helpful foods mentioned as a major part of the diet, they have greater immunity to the virus seemingly from my analysis on the subject which includes my own treatment of Covid19. So in terms of social distancing, there are many countries with sometimes up to 150 X the population density of the USA that have substantially fewer cases. Indonesia is one example and possibly the best example is Vietnam. Very high populations in cities. They had almost 300 cases and almost 300 full recoveries. There is another really key factor to this and that is it appears that highly processed wheat products are affecting people more. Every country with the highest cases and fatalities of Covid19 have very high intakes of processed flour in their diets. Every country with no or very low intake of processed white flour has much fewer cases. Every country which has fermented bread and some fermented foods in the diet such as Russia, Eastern Europe, and Germany have had cases and yet much higher recovery rates.

Social distancing is very important, yet there are other factors too and diet is one of them. This has not been mentioned once in the UK officially, however, Imperial College is apparently doing research on one aspect of this. I found the food link to this before the virus even got to the UK and have endeavored every day to be heard. So the problem is that there is just 200-year-old thinking going on with this and there should have been all science considered from the start. Science is about the asking of questions and then analysis of the data and then producing a hypothesis and counter hypothesis based upon improved understandings as they emerge. However, medical science has not done this and neither has the government.

They did not look at the whole world they did not keep their eye on the ball and actually say this is how the virus is behaving, this is what our analysts are finding are International trends and this is what our strategists are finding that we should be considering.

So having had this information, which has been getting improved with more confirmation that there is truth to this.

Today, some are behaving though as if this is more like having “economic confidence in a recovery” rather than “recovery from a medical pandemic”. The data says that this virus is still very strong in the UK more so than almost anywhere and yet there is this mindset as if it’s all nearly gone away. Whilst the economic aspects of this are critical of course too many. The only way to try to do both is to put on the table all of the evidence and information of how people can best protect themselves. So in a nutshell, what would that be from my findings?

All people should be having more fermented foods in their diet. IE. Sourcraut, stuffed vine leaves, Kimchi, olives, greek yogurt, sourdough bread, more rice, pulses, nuts. Less highly processed wheat. They should be eating as many anti-viral foods as possible in their diets. This way the immune system knows it is supported by food. They should be taking high levels of vitamins and minerals that could include dissolving the best quality sea salt into the water. If they get Covid19, then do all of the above and stop eating any wheat. Drink milk to help line the stomach.

What science is also showing is that domestic animals are more resistant to this virus and so are all animals. Why? They have stronger digestion. Of the people least immune to this are people taking antibiotics which affect intestinal fora. So these people especially should be taking lots of probiotics. To confirm all of the above, this explains why the countries in the world with the very best, most scientifically up to date medical systems have the worst success rates. and the countries with the least funded or even almost no medical systems in the case of some small islands that have 100% success rate in treating Covid19 have the best success rates in preventing the virus.

The above are my findings and there are more, however, this is a process created work and there is only so much I can do from my statistical and strategy work. To take this further requires endorsement and working with medical and scientists. However, at the moment it seems like the only endorsement there is for my thesis other than the Melatonin link which has been verified in some research, my citing of Anti-malarial drugs being of use in February, the link to Chlorine, as in Sea Salt. Additionally, there is an intriguing quatrain by Michel Nostradamus that has been connected to Covid19 that reads.

“There will be two scourges the like of which was never seen, Famine within plague, people put out by steel, Crying to the great immortal God for relief.”

“People put out by steel” People put out by steel. Steel could relate to allopathic medicine. IE not looking to natural medicine. Steel is a chef's term for a knife, knives are associated with bread and not chop-sticks. In many Asian countries, when they use cutlery they much more often use spoons and forks than knives when eating. There are many countries in the world that eat with their hands. These countries all have lower rates of Covid19, faster recovery, less fatalities 100% of the time worldwide. The countries that eat primarily with knives and forks are the countries with the most cases. The less a country eats with knives and forks the more resistant they are. Steel is made up of minerals from the Earth. So what minerals are in Steel?

Iron, Carbon, Manganese, Silicon, phosphorus, Silicon, Sulfur, Oxygen.

What are some of the minerals in fermented foods?

Iron, Carbon, Manganese, Phosphorus, Sulphur. Carbon dioxide replaces the air, the oxygen.

Silicon is linked to healing the digestion.

The foods that are rich in the minerals that are the components of “steel” correlate with my intuitive, statistical and strategic system of preventing and treating Covid19.

This I have subsequently found also correlates with Nostradamus. So Nostradamus using the word “steel” is interesting. If you were going to use one word that correlates with the findings I have, that relates both to the wheat being the problem and the answer being not only mineral supplements but also mineral supplements that align with what my findings have also found previously.

The components that comprise “steel” if presented in a food supplement form, form the same in many cases and similar in others to most of the mineral components to the potential treatment to Covid19 that I have found. To confirm this please check the components of steel, check the data I published from February onwards and quotes by Nostradamus. I do not know how he derived his data, however, he was found to be successful in treating the plague to some extent with the use of Rosehips. So it is not beyond the realms of possibility that he could have put an encoded treatment to Covid19 in his quatrains. The fact the word he used to “put out by steel” put out, can be seen in two ways ie put out by the use of highly processed flour or “put out the heat” ie the fever with the mineral components of “steel”.

So whilst I derive my findings myself I have been more than a bit surprised to find a Frenchman from the distant past thinking in the same way to what I have discovered today. Whilst the Nostradamus part perhaps can be taken with a pinch of salt. by some. My suggestion derived from statistical research is to make that sea salt!

If science would have looked to the very first type of medicine for Covid19. Salt would have been the first consideration as it has long been so highly prized throughout history, it was a first currency. The benefits of mineral to health, going to the sea, going to mineral springs, and the links to health date back millennia. The link of salt to health, wellbeing, and spirituality are etched into the oldest known medicine.

Sorry for any content that is not appreciated. I have tried to cover everything as broadly as possible as it really is probably the most difficult subject I have ever written on. This is a work in progress and is designed to improve the conversation. This will be ready when I have assistance with editing 


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