Montse Pulpillo, Finance Administrative in EXOGROUP

Montse Pulpillo, Finance Administrative in EXOGROUP

Meet EXOGROUP's Finance Administrative Montse Pulpillo, who enjoys good music, reading and taking long walks with her pets!

What is your role within the Finance team? What does it entail?

My role is Administrative within the Financial Department at EXOGROUP. I am in charge of reviewing the collections that arrive to add funds, accounting and claiming invoices, keeping bank statements updated, as well as other administrative tasks: emails, urgent tasks that may arise, consultations with other departments, suppliers or bank requests and processing payments and transfers that are made during the week.

What does a day in your life within EXOGROUP look like?

I usually arrive at the office around 10am - I consider myself very lucky for the flexible schedule we have at EXOGROUP! Then I discuss the agenda of the day with my team and quickly check my email and Slack in case there is an urgent issue that needs a response.

This is followed by processing funds from received collections, which is a top priority task along with answering Jira Tickets, if there are any. I stop for a moment to get myself a coffee and if it's Monday, I take the opportunity to greet the rest of my friends at the weekly breakfast.

On Mondays we have a general meeting with our head Ana to have a look at the weekly topics, or if there is anything urgent or special, like for instance month end or a pending audit. At noon, around 2 - 2:30pm I stop to have lunch with the team - You always find someone to disconnect with and have a laugh! Around 3pm, we review new charges that have arrived, check payments made, emails, etc, and I work until 6pm.?

What is your team like? What do you enjoy doing together as a team?

My team is very young compared to me (They are all around their thirties) but the age difference is not really a barrier. I think my attitude towards life and having two children around that age (Eugeni and Joana, 24 and 23 years old) helps! We like to talk about our weekends, hobbies, music (I enjoy collecting Vinyl records), movies, and we tell each other our little day to day ‘War stories’. And of course, there is always some reason to share some sweets, chocolate, pastries and a good laugh!

What do you like the most about working at EXOGROUP?

I like how there’s a very neatly defined company policy and set objectives. The company culture is great, always open to new projects, innovation and adapting to current times. The work environment, the schedule, the benefits for workers such as courses, massage, internal activities, Team Buildings, the opportunity to meet in person with other companies within the ecosystem are all great!

Albedo y Keo, two of four Montse's kitties.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not at work? What are your hobbies?

During the week I am busier, but every morning and afternoon I take the opportunity to go for a walk with my furbaby Estrella, a French Brie Shepherd Mix - 32 Kgs. of love!

I try to read for a while before going to sleep. When it comes to genres, I enjoy everything from humor to mystery. At the moment, I have started several books and I am currently finishing Patria, which is about ETA in Spain, hard times!

Music is always in the background. Genre depending on my mood and activity, from Classical to AC/CD, whatever works. I have quite a few vinyls that I share with my father. He remembers his time as a "DJ" when he went with his record player to parties.

On weekends, I have more time to go for long walks with Estrella, meet up for a drink with friends or go spend some time with Kinder, my daughter’s horse - 600kgs of joy! He loves having his hair brushed and being given tangerines and other fruits! Sometimes I have to babysit and take care of his grooming: cleaning his hooves, brushing him, and giving him a walk on the ground.

When did you start getting into reading? And how many hours a week does it take up?

I got into reading from a very young age. My father traveled for work and when he returned he always brought my brother and me a book or comics like Mortadelo and Filemón, Zipi and Zape and such. Music and dance are also a big part of my life. At home, especially family gatherings, are full of music; my brother is a member of a Heavy Metal band, playing the bass.

How do you balance your work life with your personal hobbies?

The flexible schedule and hybrid policy really do help me manage my personal and family life along with the working hours. It is a blessing now more than ever since my parents, who are getting on a bit, need more help.

If you would like to know more about working at EXOGROUP check out our Careers page.



