Monthly update from Howard Button, NFDC CEO
Well it’s been a hectic few months, and there’s no sign of things slowing down!
Most recently I’ve been working with the new NDTG Training Manager Robert Squires on continued development of the CCDO card scheme, in addition to this we’ve been working on improvements to the NDTG website which will be implemented shortly.
In the coming week I’m going to be heading north on NFDC business as I visit the North East Regional Meeting on Tuesday 5th April, Scotland and NI on Wednesday 6th April and finally at the North West on Thursday 7th April. I hope that many of our members will be able to attend, although I realise that with the Easter holidays we may not have a full turnout.
Looking further ahead in April, I will be meeting with DICB on 12th April discussing recommended pay rates. On 13th at the Build UK Trade Associations Meeting, and Thursday 14th April on a site visit at Earls Court with The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products.
If anyone would like to contact me with comments for these forthcoming meetings, please get in touch!