Monthly Reflections July 2024
Earlier in July the partnership of Society of Petroleum Engineers International , CEDEP - Executive Development – Fontainebleau and IOGP concluded the first multi-company Safety Leadership Academy.? Originally inspired by the insights of the SPE HSES discipline’s technical report – Getting to Zero and Beyond - the Academy aims to bring together operators and service companies to equip leaders – from HSE and from Operations - with the skills and competency to unlock the safety leadership capacity within their teams.? 31 leaders from 15 companies from across the supply chain attended this pilot Academy to share their safety challenges, work on solutions and learn together.? The Safety Leadership Academy is designed to complement the training offered by individual companies, providing safety leadership capability and creating learning based on real strategic challenges the participants bring to the classroom. ?
The conclusion of a 3-month programme consisting of 2 in-person events and virtual sessions, this first multi-company Academy was a pilot and the partner organisations are now evaluating and learning from the participant feedback to decide on where to go next with the Academy.? Thank you for the support and partnership from CEDEP - Executive Development – Fontainebleau ( Thomas Hinterseer , Muriel Larvaron , Muriel Barnier , Corinne Delplanque ) and Society of Petroleum Engineers International ( Grigory Zarayskiy , Sue Staley, MSE , Simon Seaton ) and my colleagues at IOGP ( Johana Dunlop , Dr. Ismaeel Husain ).? More details on future Academies to come.
Also in July, IOGP published the 2023 Process Safety Event Data.? Publishing this data is the culmination of a huge effort by IOGP Member Companies and the IOGP Safety Data and Process Safety Subcommittees to collect, quality check and publish the data. ?IOGP has been publishing Process Safety Data since 2011 and as a high-quality performance data set it is used for benchmarking, trend analysis and the identification of improvement opportunities.
The data shows an improving trend with 2023 having the lowest rates in the data set.? However, the rates have largely plateaued and over the last 10 years on average a fatal process safety event occurred every 3 to 4 months.
One of the best tools we have to eliminate these events is the IOGP Process Safety Fundamentals.? The Process Safety Fundamentals are a set of basic principles for front-line workers, supervisors, and managers that emphasise existing good practices to prevent fatalities from process safety events.? The Process Safety Fundamentals are complementary to programs such as IOGP’s Life-Saving Rules, which mainly focus on personal safety.? We believe the Process Safety Fundamentals and Life-Saving Rules are 2 of the best tools we have in the industry to eliminate fatalities. ?
I would like to recognise and thank the IOGP Safety Data Subcommittee led by Kirsty W. and Wendy Poore who work with the reporting teams from IOGP Member Companies that provide the data and the Process Safety Subcommittee led by Luca DeCarli who perform the quality control of the data.? Transparent reporting, sharing and learning from incidents is one of the ways we will continue to improve.
Also, I will be speaking at the SPE International Health, Safety, Environment and Sustainability Conference and Exhibition (IHSES) in September in Abu Dhabi hosted by ADNOC, I hope to see many of you there.