Monthly Quantum News #1

Monthly Quantum News #1

Welcome to December 2023’s edition of the QURECA monthly news update! We have decided to move our monthly news clippings to LinkedIn to streamline our email updates, we still aim to provide you with great news highlights from within the quantum technology ecosystem so that you’re up-to-date!

IBM announced the release of #IBMCondor, the first quantum processor to feature more than 1,000 gate-programmable qubits based on superconductor technologies. This is an epic milestone not just in quantum computing but quantum technologies in general. Although not the first system to break the century mark, the 1,121-qubit system represents a benchmark from the first 5-qubit system that IBM released only 7 years ago. Now, you might be thinking - computers have billions of transistors, therefore the increase from 5 to 1,121 qubits is not significant – this might make logical sense but believe us, the difference in potential computing power between these systems is gargantuan! Read more:


A group of researchers lead by Professor Markus Arndt at the Universit?t Wien have used superconducting nanowires to improve the detection of protein ions over traditional methods by 1000 times. By cooling the nanowires, such that they lose their electrical resistivity and become superconductors, they become extremely sensitive to excitation from even low energy ions which are difficult to measure using traditional methods. This excitation from the ions causes a quantum phase transition in the nanowires so they lose their superconductivity which can be easily detected. Read more:


Lastly, we’d like to highlight quantum technologies building more quantum technologies QuantaMap 's new project which aims to produce quantum sensors for use in quantum chip production quality assurance. This follows on successfully securing €1.4 million in early-stage funding to develop the technology. We believe this represents a fascinating development for quantum technologies as they’re now being used in the development of other quantum technologies as well as a hopeful look into the future of field and its increasing production demand. Read more:


For more quantum technology news updates you may have missed, we highly recommend our own weekly quantum news updates posted on our LinkedIn.

From all of us at QURECA, we wish you a very quantum Christmas and festive season! May you and your loved ones be happy and healthy, wishing you all the very best for an exciting 2024, where the future is quantum. We’ll see you there!



