Monthly Personal Goals Review/Reflect (Why should you set mini monthly resolutions instead of ONLY the annual resolutions? )
Shikha Katare (She/Her/Hers)
Building Myself & Mindwize | Blogger | Member | Ex-AXA XL | Quality | Governance | Empowering Women with Hindrise | Dog Mom | Vipassana Practitioners
Imagine, what if you could achieve anything in the new year? What would that be?
In fact, by setting ‘new year's goals’ at the beginning is our annual effort to do precisely that - “start the year off right’!. Isn’t it?
The reality is, people often feel most inspired to begin improvement in the new year by setting resolutions.
However, no matter how motivated we feel to stick to our resolution on January 1, there's a good chance we’ll struggle to reach it. So many of us cannot meet our resolutions. And then, we blame ourselves for being inadequate. But in reality, we aren't inadequate. It's just that we picked a giant annual goal - and big resolutions are really hard to maintain. No wonder we struggle to achieve them. Not changing how we look at our resolutions, is the surest way for us to set ourselves up for failure.?
So how do you set yourself up for success instead?
Setting Goals
As we journey through life, we all desire to better ourselves. We continually practice goal-setting to become better people. It has been proven that people who write their goals down are at least 10 times more successful than those who don’t.
Setting the RIGHT goals
Make them monthly! Simple as that. By setting monthly goals, you break the big giant annual goal into smaller tangible chunks. You give your mind something it can reach for in the immediate term. It tells the mind that there is a sense of urgency about the goal. Yes, it seems like a simple trick, but it works.
Reviewing your progress regularly. If you have done the above step right, this means you will review your progress monthly. Not only does that keep you accountable, it adds loads of motivation to you. And in combination, these increase your chances of achieving what you set out to achieve.
This allows you to reflect on the progress you've made and to identify areas where you may need to make adjustments.
How to review
Follow the 3 R formula - Review, Reflect, Results!
What I learnt ?
The above process was a powerful process I used for myself. I got great results and achieved my goals with more ease. What it gave me in addition was something I did not expect.?
The review and reflect aspects got me to:
Now if you are like me and love Step-by-step guides, here is my cheat sheet procedure:?
In summary, conducting a monthly review of your personal goals is an effective way to track your progress and make adjustments as needed. Reflecting on what you did well, what you did not do well, and what you can do differently can help you to identify patterns and areas for improvement.
The impact that your monthly goals won’t end when the month ends. Your monthly goals can contribute to the long-term ones you set. It's a fantastic approach to break down your big goals into smaller steps, and the monthly goals help you achieve just that.?
Try it. It works!