Monthly Notes: Enhancing administrative data in India
Female surveyors participating in a training session before heading out for data collection in India ?Simran Saini/IDinsight

Monthly Notes: Enhancing administrative data in India

Governments routinely collect administrative data as they deliver services to citizens. However, due to quality constraints and difficulty garnering insights from this data, it has been notoriously unreliable for decision-making.

IDinsight’s DataDelta team worked with the National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog to improve the quality and decision-relevance of their administrative data. Our team made great strides in creating a data verification strategy to support local development efforts. We set up detailed processes to ensure quality data collection at scale and used our learnings to build data verification toolkits for improving local data quality and governance.

In this month's edition, we share the latest insights from our DataDelta team in India. We also spotlight how we are innovating for inclusive impact in Kenya, empowering education through evidence in Cambodia, and working to affirm dignity in international development.?

IDinsight Field Manager Lead Dinabandhu Bharti

Empowering districts to improve administrative data quality in India

Quality administrative data has always been critical to a well-functioning public sector, but over the years, the government of India has increased its reliance on administrative data to make a wider range of decisions, and more consequential decisions, than ever before. The problem is that the quality of administrative data remains uncertain as its collection, monitoring and analysis are plagued with multiple challenges.

Exploring a partnership between IDinsight and the Gates Foundation, DataDelta Manager Jasmeet Khanuja provides insights into how this partnership is working to enhance the credibility of district-level administrative data in India.

Read the blog here.

DataDelta teammates during data collection in India ?IDinsight

Supporting development efforts in India through data verification strategies

Administrative data is fundamental to effective governance. How can we ensure such data, collected both nationally and locally, is high-quality and accurate enough to inform decision-making and program tracking? We address this concern by sharing strategies developed by IDinsight's DatatDelta team to verify the accuracy and representativeness of district-level data in India.

Read the blog.

IDinsight Field Manager Lead Syed Maqbool (second from right) during data collection in Andhra Pradesh, India ?IDinsight

Ensuring quality data collection at scale?

IDinsight recently conducted a large-scale survey in 38 districts across 8 states in India. Our Associates share what they learned about operating efficiently while preserving data quality. They uncover the processes and systems along the data collection pipeline that facilitated this complex exercise. A must-read?for organisations looking to conduct primary data collection at scale.

Read the blog.

IDinsight's Monthly Notes is the organization's newsletter with the latest insights, reflections, and news from IDinsight. Read this month's content and stay up-to-date with stories, news, events, and more?from us by subscribing?today.

