Monthly Newsletter - September
What is Active Thermography
We're excited to share the first video of our Educational Series on YouTube! In this video, we explain what Active Thermography is and provide examples of different excitation sources and types of applications that leverage this testing method.
Quality Inspection: Detect Good and Bad Seals
MoviTHERM’s Thermal Seal Inspection is a turnkey vision system that leverages thermal imaging to assess the quality of heat-based joining, gluing, sealing, and welding processes.
The Ultimate Guidebook for Fire Detection Systems
Fire detection and alarm systems are a necessity for commercial buildings to protect people and assets. Our guidebook will help you simplify research and answer all your questions.
Ep 5: How Infrared Thermography is Impacting the Li-Ion Battery Lifecycle
We're thrilled to have Jerry Beeney, Director of Global Business Development at Teledyne FLIR, join us for this month's episode! We discuss how infrared thermography is used to optimize li-ion battery development, manufacturing, storage, usage, recycling, and disposal.