Monthly News from RACOM

Monthly News from RACOM

Backbone for AMI project in Brazil

Celesc in Brazil has decided to use our radio modems in a pilot project to remotely collect data from power meters in order to automate metering. RipEX and RipEX2 radio modems are used in the network through which approximately 35,400 meters communicate to the centre. More information can be found here.

Webinar RAy3-80

In November we hosted a webinar to discuss our latest RAy3 80 GHz microwave link with 10 Gb/s speed. We talked about how the RAy3-80 is performing in mass production, what its technical features and capabilities are and what users have experienced with it in the field. A recording of the webinar is available here.

Webinar RipEX2e and M!DGE3

The second webinar was held in December and focused on two more products that we launched in 2023 - the RipEX2e Radio modem and the M!DGE3 Cellular router and their comparison with other members of their product lines. We also talked about current trends in SCADA communications and hybrid networks that combine communication over a private radio channel and a cellular network. A recording of the webinar is available here.

FW update RipEX2 and M!DGE3

We have released new FW for RipEX2 Radio modem and M!DGE3 Cellular router. The most interesting of the new features is OpenVPN, the implementation of which is unique in the radio modem market. For RipEX2 we have also improved the encryption on the radio channel to AES-256-CCM which prevents Reply attack.

Happy New Year 2024

Thank you for your support and cooperation in 2023. We will do our best to grow our cooperation in 2024 and will do everything possible to make you satisfied with RACOM. We wish you all the best for the New Year!

