The Monthly Messenger: March 2023
?We’ve got global communications’ number — so we’re sharing important updates and discussions with you, plus some insights into what the netnumber Global Data Services team has going on.?
It’s time once again for the most anticipated part of each month (for us, anyway), where we get to share all that’s happened for the industry — and for netnumber Global Data Services — in our Monthly Messenger. With many considering last month to be the month of love, we were very excited to unveil something big that we think all of our customers (both new and old) will be really fond of. So, be sure to read on to find out what that big announcement is — if you haven’t heard already.?
Innovative, Interesting or Irrelevant??
Let’s talk about the big-ticket items and up-and-coming topics in the world of global communications. Think of this like a ‘hot or not’ for the telecommunications fanatics out there.?
Feel free to use the comments to weigh in and share your thoughts on these trends and their impacts:
What happens when we crack down on spoofing?: Not too long ago, Ofcom revealed some new sets of rules for #CLI (Calling Line Identification) as a way to help prevent the common fraud tactic of call spoofing. From a simplified perspective, it’s always a good thing to avert fraud — so why is this new set of rules even being discussed? Well, MEF proposed an interesting question: What happens if this (relatively light) pressure being put on mandated protective mechanisms doesn’t see much progress? What kinds of challenges does the mobile ecosystem face from regulatory bodies if this light touch becomes less light over time? Will the industry suffocate under more restrictions? Give the info a read and let us know your perspective.?
Is the 6th generation even worth talking about?: #5G gets a lot of press; there’s no denying that. But with this 5th generation still very much in progress, many are left wondering why #6G is already getting coverage. Outlets like The Fast Mode have already begun to touch on 6G’s theoretical value, but what substance does that hold today? Of course, a big part of paving the way to 6G pertains to core commitments in the mobile ecosystem, like building trust and reliability — but are we getting ahead of ourselves??
We’re certainly interested in how these conversations are evolving, so feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.?
Big News
Last month, we were thrilled to unveil our new RCS solution, which meets increased user and business demand for feature-rich messaging capabilities, but this month, we were even more excited to take our product portfolio to the next level.?
In order to better help our customers as they seek to remedy the most pressing mobile ecosystem challenges (or enhance their existing value) and make our product portfolio more intuitive, we’ve transformed our services to align with three core themes:
Each with its own corresponding set of transformational solutions, these pillars enable enterprises, MNOs and CPSs to solve the most important business challenges and meet the most prevalent needs among their own customers and business operations. In short, they help customers provision high-value communications services, ensure accurate and efficient voice, text, and rich media routing, and build trust while combating fraud.
What could be better than that? To learn more, read our recent press release here, or explore the portfolio for yourself at
Out and About
As we’re making this newsletter live, our team is just returning from beautiful Barcelona for #MWC Barcelona 2023. We’re excited to be putting on events and meeting both new and old friends at one of the year’s largest and most influential events for the connectivity ecosystem.?
Then, as if Spain wasn’t exotic enough, we’re headed to Dubai for Capacity Media - a techoraco brand 's Capacity Middle East, taking place March 7-9. If you’ll be in attendance, be sure to flag us down for a chat.?
Also on the destination roster for March are locations like Vancouver, Miami and more, so don’t miss us if you’ll be passing through too. You can find our full event attendance list here.?
A Monthly Meet-the-Team
We added another big-hitter to our roster this month, and we’re pleased to introduce our new Senior Director of Data Solutions and Partnerships: Bradley Greer .?
As a key leader for the netnumber GDS team, Bradley will collaborate with our product development and sales teams to enhance our solution generation and build our roadmap — which means even more value for our customers.?
He’s a San Diego native with nearly two decades of leadership experience under his belt, and needless to say, we’re happy to have him on board. Check out our recent press release to learn more about him.?
Your Final Food for Thought
Did you know that February 27 kicked off Telecommuter Appreciation Week? Probably not, because we didn’t know either until about 5 minutes ago. #Telecommuting is definitely a topic that has been front and center for the last couple of years (you know why), and the implications this move to distance work has had on networking and mobile communication are huge.?
With business-critical communication and collaboration happening throughout the global telecommunications ecosystem, it really makes you think about just how important security, reliability and experiential richness are to making modern business work. (And that means every communications provider needs the right tools on their side — just saying!)?
So, that’s all for this month. Onwards into March!
All the best from your team at netnumber .?