The Monthly Messenger | August Edition

The Monthly Messenger | August Edition

We’ve got global communications’ number — so we’re sharing important updates and discussions with you, plus some insights into what the netnumber team has going on.

For so many, August is either back-to-school month or back-to-school prep month. As much as we wish we could go back to having Summers off, we know that the world of mobile and global communications never goes on break — which means we can’t either. Fortunately, we’re big fans of learning, so we’re getting into the spirit by sharing all the most recent news bits and announcements here for your edification. Enjoy!

~ Cheers from the netnumber team.

Innovative, Interesting or Irrelevant?

Let’s talk about the big-ticket items and up-and-coming topics in the world of global communications. Think of this like a ‘hot or not’ for the telecommunications fanatics out there.?

Feel free to use the comments to weigh in and share your thoughts on these trends and their impacts:

AI is still on the move — can we match it?: We’ve spoken before about the rising tide of AI-powered fraud and scams (and how devastating they can be). Well, this is continuing to grow as an avenue for exploiting users, particularly through the use of deepfakes, as headlines reveal. AI will continue to dominate on the negative side of this mobile equation unless we can beat it at its own game. So, how are we leveraging AI for good to tackle these scams? How can we stem the flow of fraudulent behavior and create more advanced solutions to suit a new AI world?

If phones are the new wallet, how can we better protect mobile identities?: It’s no surprise that, with phones being an extension of ourselves, our devices are taking the place of even more items in our lives. As it turns out, news stories are revealing that many users are more than happy to swap their wallets for their phones. To us, this means validation, verification and extended safety protocols for mobile use of personal and financial information need to be absolutely watertight. Keeping track of identities, users and transactions in mobile ecosystems needs to be a top priority — so, how do you see financial institutions or operators mastering that? We have some theories, but we want to hear yours too.

Feel free to offer your opinion about these questions in the comments — or let us know what other discussions you’ve seen happening that are worth diving into.

Good Reads and Resources

Last month, our big theme was 10DLC — but regardless of what month it is, this is a topic you should be well-versed in. So here’s your reminder to check out the blogs and reads we released all about the industry-first collaborative resource: A Brand’s Guide to DLC.?

Don’t miss this blog or this LinkedIn article — and if you have any questions, we’re always here.?

On another note, our VP of Product Management, Catalin Badea, joined an esteemed panel as part of an MEF Session to discuss an important question: Does the downfall of SMS actually matter? Here, learn how netnumber and other MNO peers see the drivers of a new mobile landscape shaping a transition away from A2P SMS — and hear how it’s affecting mobile providers and players.?

Furthermore, for some easy listening about important mobile topics, don’t forget that our VP of Data Solutions and Product Marketing, Bradley Greer, was featured in this recent Perspectives in Mobile podcast. Check it out for insights into how AI and real-time data can help prevent fraud.?

We’re always putting out new information and expert insights on new compliance tips, solutions, industry trends and more. To stay up to date, check out our blog.

Out and About

While students are going back to school, our team is going back — well, everywhere. We’ll be on the road quite a bit in September, so if you’ll be attending any of these events, let’s set up some time to catch up! See us at:

  • MEF Anti Fraud, Sept 10 — Brussels
  • Identity Week America, Sept 11 — Washington, D.C.
  • MEF Meet-Up Amsterdam, Sept 16 — Amsterdam (and while there, we’ll be at MEF Global Carrier Billing and Mobile Payments Summit)
  • SPINOC, Sept 17 — Washington, D.C.
  • WWC Madrid, Sept 18 — Madrid
  • SOMOS Summit, Sept 23 — Las Vegas
  • WAS #20, Sept 23 — Bali?

A heads up: We’ll also soon be headed to Mobile World Congress USA in Las Vegas in October — and we’ll have a special three-part blog series all about that, so keep an eye on our socials for that. Not to mention, in November, we’re sponsoring a very special MEF Meet-Up in London, too. We hope to see you there.?

Want the details? See our full roster of events here.

July’s service of the month was Guaranteed Caller?, which assists Service Providers as they seek to acquire digital certificates as an official Secure Telephone Identity Certification Authority (STI-CA) in the U.S. This ensures Caller ID attestation and verification through compliant implementation of mandatory STIR/SHAKEN protocols and procedures.

But next, we’re very excited to introduce you to Number Check. Some may see this as Number Watch’s sister service, but this is a critical advantage all its own.?

The Number Check leverages real-time phone number intelligence to help prevent a multitude of fraud types, assisting in the evaluation of phone numbers’ potential validity (or invalidity) anywhere in the world. This enables brands, enterprises and communications service providers to enhance their phone number verification processes — with a simple, API-based implementation, no less.?

For customers looking to take their security protocols to the next level, this data-based service works wonders. Learn more about Number Check here.

Your Final Food for Thought

Here’s our question of the month: If the mobile and communications ecosystem could be split up into major subjects (like math, science, history or english in a standard school day), what do you think they would be? Obviously, everything is important in an evolving industry like this one — but we want to know: How would you group the most critical services, trends, topics and beyond? And which would be your favorite class to attend?

(Personally, we think an elective on Number Intelligence as a Service would pay dividends, but what can we say — we just think everyone should know about the transformative potential in that realm.)

~ Cheers from The netnumber Team



