Monthly bites for forward-looking leadership

Monthly bites for forward-looking leadership

Welcome to our LinkedIn Newsletter!

Reinvention starts in our own backyard.?We constantly explain to our customers also applies to ourselves: start over, recycle, reinvent… And we are initiating this process with the launch of our LinkedIn newsletter “Beyond digital”. Now you can get our web highlights, some deep thoughts, along with regular book reviews and a growing selection of our LD7 and curated courses right here. The topics: productivity, digital transformation, technology and leadership.

Enjoy the reading and if there’s anything you want to discuss further or in depth, don’t miss the opportunity to book a session on our website.

?The passionate /LD7 Team

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???Articles about web3

?What is DeSci? How is web3 determining future platforms?

??The Future article below is a great synopsis and provides interesting material on both topics. For me it‘s a must-read, as favorable use cases using distributed ledger technology are emerging empowering users and democratizing the access to technology.?Future Article?

???Ever since, web technologies have determined how online and e-commerce transactions have been performed. Starting with intelligent search lists and matching information needs, online marketplaces have awaken a B2C industry happening almost entirely online.?

???With network effects those platform businesses based on web2 technologies have grown to often scrutinized sizes, as tech giants are dominating this place importantly.?

?What will happen, if web3 technologies are now forming new platform businesses? What means the use of web3??

???web3 technology is based on a distributed ledger technology protocol providing an open and decentralized infrastructure for ownership, identity and transaction, that can happen on a marketplace.?

??It’s a shift and next phase, how the internet will involve and the below blog article by Sangeet Paul Choudary is an excellent reading to understand some major differences between the web technologies in use.?

?Sangeet's Blog Post?

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Calm down! Yes, Christmas is coming far too soon, as it does every year, but we have something for you at the start of the Christmas countdown, so you can score points with your boss, your colleagues or your team!

You certainly won’t find our unique ideas anywhere else.

"Think Again" an open-ended reading project

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When did you last finish reading a book and think, “What a pity I’ve finished that brilliant book already”? Perhaps you were even tempted to start at page one all over again? This might happen to you when you finish "Think Again" by Adam Grant. Our executive partner,?Maria Jose, recently posted her view?on LinkedIn?and we have also published a?book review in our LD7 BLOG "Dialogue".

In addition to the well-expressed statements facilitating our understanding of important insights into rethinking in various settings, Grant is also aware that, "…if a topic is important enough to deserve an entire book, it shouldn't end. It should be open-ended". He therefore provided a final chapter encouraging his audience to take up rethinking as a continuous practice.

It seems that Grant is perfectly aware how difficult behavioral change is for us, no matter how many well-researched facts point to the evident need for change.?

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Super stress reliever

Get an office punching bag

It is really important to engage in exercise to maintain your physical and mental health. Especially for those dealing with new and transformative topics and tasks. Also, you can't deny how stressful situations can arise at work and a punching bag would be a great stress reliever.

Noise canceling headphones

Unwanted noise can make it really hard to focus on work, whether you're working from home or in an open office. Hence, getting quality headphones would be a very welcome thing. Therefore, you can also add this item to your list of Christmas gifts.

?Providing giveaways that last!



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