This Month in Safety Recruitment: September Newsletter
I'm sure we're not the first to say it – Only 88 days until Christmas! Not something everyone wants to hear, but when you need to plan for holiday leave and a thousand other things for December, it's good to know you can call on Safety People for temporary employees as well as permanent staff.
And now is definitely the time to start discussing temporary placements to cover key roles in the business. There will be a rush as we head toward November.
In other news, October is National Safe Work Month. Many of the attendees at the September Safety forum highlighted that they will be using October to highlight O.H.S initiatives across the business. What will you be doing for Safe Work Month and will you be attending any specific events? Let us know!
Finally! The 2022 Safety Industry Benchmark Survey is now LIVE and we want your voice in the discussion. Click the link below to ensure you're heard.
In your September edition we discuss;
Thinking Recruitment: O.H.S, Injury Management, Workers Compensation or Risk... Ask Us First.
Ensure Your Voice is Heard
We've just OPENED the 2022 Safety Industry Benchmark Survey and we want your voice in the survey.
Click the link below to complete the short survey and then get access to benchmarked results across the sector. Add Your Voice Here
Roles Now Available
Stay up to date by checking out all available roles on our website. Take a look at the diverse range of?O.H.S, Risk, and Injury Management positions with small, medium, or large employers to support your next move.? Check out the Roles Now
25th October: Safety People Forum
Our next Safety People Forum is live and available for you to book.?We discuss relevant issues for O.H.S, Injury Management, and Risk Professionals.?Join your peers across the country, and?be part of the discussion. Book Your Seat Now
Some of the Best: Candidate Spotlight
Whilst we have available professionals?across many specialisations and industries, we've created a shortlist of some of the standout candidates you may wish to consider for your business. View our Candidate Spotlight
October is Safe Work Month
This year's theme is 'Know safety, work safely', and the 4 weeks are broken up into individual topics including; Injuries at work, Risk & Prevention, Mental Health, and Safety for All. We'd love to know what you're doing for Safe Work Month. Let us know. See What's On This Month
New Executive Talent Now Available
To help you refine your search for great talent in the industry, we've created a focused Executive Talent resource?to make finding those amazing team leaders so much easier. View Our Executive Talent
For all Recruitment across Safety, Injury Management, Worker's Compensation, and Risk contact the specialist team at Safety People first on 1300 28 00 68.