This Month in Safety Recruitment: March Newsletter
There goes March and Fatigue is still top-of-mind for Safety Professionals across industries. With the amendment to psychological safety on the horizon, companies across the country are now looking at experience in psychological safety and mental health as a major preference for new hires.
We had a great Forum this month and have included highlights of the conversation below. Our Next Safety People Forum will be returning in May and we will be engaging a subject matter expert to start the discussion. If you have any preference on the subject for May, we'd love to receive your input.
Happy Easter for the coming month, whether you're managing school holidays, public holidays, or holding down the fort while everyone else is away, it's going to be a busy one!
In your March 2023 edition, we look at;
Thinking Recruitment: O.H.S, Injury Management, Workers Compensation or Risk... Ask Us First.
Roles Now Available
Stay up to date by checking out all available roles on our website. Take a look at the diverse range of O.H.S, Risk and Injury Management positions with small, medium or large employers to support your next move.?Check out the Roles Now
Safety People Forum Discussion Highlights
The Safety People Forum this month generated great and lively conversations, covering topics such as Psychological Safety, Occupational Violence, Wearables, and practical frontline Safety strategies.?Click here for the full article
Some of the Best: Spotlight on Talent
Whilst we have available professionals across many specialisations and industries, we've created a shortlist of some of the standout candidates you may wish to consider for your business.?View our Candidate Spotlight
The Safety People Benchmark Report - Download Now
The 2022 Safety Industry Benchmark Report is now LIVE and available for viewing. Discover what the sector is saying about the future of safety, wages, challenges, and opportunities.?Download a copy now
New Executive Talent
To help you refine your search for great talent in the industry, we've created a focused Executive Talent resource to make finding those amazing team leaders so much easier.?View Our Executive Talent
For all Recruitment across Safety, Injury Management, Worker's Compensation, and Risk contact the specialist team at Safety People first on 1300 28 00 68.