The Month of Optimism
Tim Padgett
Strategic and tactical partner for companies looking to be more competitive in their marketplace.
To start the year off right, our Peppers are joining together to help others. We feel very blessed to be in a wonderful profession, with a truly dynamic team, who serve amazing clients in their efforts to build their businesses. It is in our clients’ honor that we have created an initiative to give back.
For years, each January, we have shared a unique gift with our clients and strategic partners. We chose January because it is The Month of Optimism (not officially, but we declared it so). And we’ll continue that timing in 2022—only this year, instead of sending out a bunch of packages, we’ll send out some much-needed help to worthy organizations.
We asked our team members to submit their favorite charities and why they feel so passionately about them. As you might expect, the variety, and their passion, was limitless. We created a video to share our picks with everyone, perhaps even educating our friends and business partners about organizations who do great work, but they didn’t even know about.
We apologize to any of our clients who were looking forward to a gift this year, but we’re pretty sure you won’t miss it when you see what we did in your honor.
From our neighborhoods to our global community, there are many people in need. While our country has many challenges, the fact remains that we are the most giving nation in the world—and have been for nearly 250 years.
Some people wait until the end of the year to give. We hope you’ll join us in starting this year with an act of giving. Good karma? Well, it is The Month of Optimism!
Tim Padgett
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, ...let us strive on to finish the work we are in, do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”????—Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address 1865
“Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.”????—Colin Powell