This month at Latana - brand perception in absolute numbers, collaboration with Statista, and TMRE.

This month at Latana - brand perception in absolute numbers, collaboration with Statista, and TMRE.

Get more clarity on marketing effectiveness by looking at population numbers

Most brand perception data is reported in percentages: 37% of young people who know your brand would consider buying it; the share of people who have a favourable view of your brand increased by 3% over the past six months; and so forth.

Wouldn’t it be nice also to know exactly how many people those 37% and 3% are? So that you can track changes over time much more accurately and understand your brand’s potential in much more detail. Who knows, maybe you could even correlate those numbers to actual sales data to better understand the link between the two.

That’s what our data science team thought - and thus started working on translating percentages into real population numbers. This was easier said than done because it requires the sampling data to be extremely precise, have low margins of error even for difficult segments, and for funnel metrics to always have enough answers.?

To be able to provide precise population estimates, we did two things: (a) increase sample size significantly (up to 50,000 individual interviews per brand and year), and (b) develop a Bayesian model that can surface very granular trends over time.?

The result is that you’re now able to quantify the impact of your brand marketing much more precisely and accurately than ever before.


Latana and Statista join forces!


We’re thrilled to announce our new strategic partnership with STATISTA , a leading market and consumer data provider. This collaboration marks a significant milestone for Latana as we join forces to enhance the reach of our brand insights, aligning with our mission to make insights more easily accessible to businesses everywhere.

As part of the partnership, we’re sharing - free of charge - annual updates on high-level brand perception data for key brands across several industries and categories in the US and EU. Over the coming months, we’re rolling out an initial set of 100 industries, and are planning to expand that to well over 1,000 categories and industries in 2025 - ranging from household appliances to electric vehicles, food, banking, apparel, personal care and many more.?

If you have a category that you want us to add with priority, please let us know by writing to [email protected]!

Meet us at TMRE in Orlando

Mark your calendars for October 8th at 3:15 PM (GMT-4) as we’re taking the stage at TMRE in Orlando! In the session, we will share groundbreaking insights from five years of research into how non-incentivized responses and ad-based sampling can revolutionise brand tracking.

What you’ll learn:

- How non-incentivized sampling eliminates panel fraud, leading to more reliable data

- How ad-based sampling enables you to reach casual respondents across the world

- How Bayesian statistics can dramatically increase the reliability of segmentations, even within small audiences

If you don’t want to miss this chance to learn how to make brand tracking more reliable, efficient and scalable, then join us at TMRE! We have an exclusive 20% discount for tickets - click here to purchase your ticket and enter 20THANKYOU when prompted.
