This month: A feature to speed up survey creation, and online training to sharpen your skills.

This month: A feature to speed up survey creation, and online training to sharpen your skills.

Warm wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year from the IncQuery Insights team. In this month's newsletter, we'll reflect on some of our achievements in 2023 and glance ahead to exciting developments awaiting us in 2024.

New Feature: Survey Database

Survey Database

From Felipe Ochoa, our CEO:

As a former consultant, I know from experience that starting a survey from scratch can be intimidating. Many of you already use our preprogrammed templates to kickstart survey creation, and soon, you’ll have another tool to save you time and effort.

We've recently introduced a Survey Database feature that allows you to use one of your organization’s previous surveys as the starting point for a new one. This will simplify survey creation, cutting down on your workload in the critical first days of a project.

We're excited to share this new feature with you. Connect with your survey director to learn more.

Register Now! Learn Survey Tactics and Techniques from the Experts

Online Learning Series

Resolve to take your survey skills to the next level in 2024! There's still time to register for Better Data Through Design, part of our online learning series.

In this free webinar, we'll explore ways to ensure your survey data is trustworthy, relevant, and actionable. You'll learn how to:

  • Screen out unqualified respondents
  • Identify problematic responses
  • Optimize surveys for mobile devices
  • And more

??: Wednesday, January 17th

??: Learn more and Register Today

All registrants will have access to the webinar materials and on-demand video after the event.

A Toast to London

We hosted our first in-person networking event last month, welcoming our private equity and consulting clients in London to an evening of great conversation, food, and drinks.

We are grateful to all who came out to share ideas with colleagues, meet industry leaders, and connect with members of the IncQuery team.

More networking events are in the works for 2024. We hope to see you there!

The IncQuery Team



