This Month at ATM - October '23
As we're sure you're aware by now, Biodiversity Net Gain is a holistic approach to development that aims to leave the natural environment in a better state than before the project began. This means that any biodiversity loss resulting from development activities must be offset by a quantifiable gain in biodiversity elsewhere.
As of January all developments are required to showcase a 10% improvement in Biodiversity Net Gain. Are you prepared?
Visit our website for an insight into the fascinating world of measuring BNG and explore the key tools and strategies used to measure its success.
The act of planting a tree may seem simple, but when it comes to large-scale tree planting projects, the process becomes more complex and demanding. These projects are vital for reforestation, environmental restoration, and mitigating climate change. To ensure the success of these endeavours, it's crucial to follow tree planting techniques and best practices that optimise tree growth, survival, and overall project effectiveness.
That's where our ATM experts come in, with tree planting season upon us, get in touch to discuss how we can help you.
Highways UK has been and gone for another year, with 2024 being our biggest and busiest to date.?
Thank you to everyone who took the time to visit our stand and catch up with the team, if you have any further questions or didn't find time to give us a visit, then please email [email protected] and someone will be in touch.?
ATM is proud to announce that we have been approved to be awarded bronze status in the Armed Forces Covenant.
The Armed Forces Covenant is a pledge that together we acknowledge and understand that those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect in the communities, economy, and society they serve with their lives.
Find out more about what it means to us, here.
This month all of our depots celebrated #WearItPinkDay2023?in aid of?Breast Cancer Now! Wear it Pink Day encourages companies to wear pink and raise money to help fund life-changing breast cancer research and support, a cause very close to our hearts.
If you'd like to help us reach our target, then please donate via the link below.
You may have seen team ATM doing some grass cutting on the A120, helping to reinstate previously failed wildflower areas.?
For a chance to feature in the newsletter, send us any pictures you have of ATM out on the road to [email protected].
RoadExpo Scotland - 28th-29th November, Stand B25, SEC Glasgow