Jo?o Lucas Moreira Pires
Political Consultant | PhD Candidate in Political Sociology | Specialist in Social Project Development and Government Coordination
Context and Significance
Two surprising elections have recently taken place in the UK and France, reflecting significant trends in Western politics. In a year of crucial elections around the world, these two votes reveal important dynamics between democratic and extremist political groups competing for political space.
France: The New Popular Front
In France, the New Popular Front emerged victorious. This left-wing bloc is made up of four parties: two radical (France Insoumise and the Communist Party) and two more centrist (the Socialist Party and the Greens). The leadership of France Insoumise, under Jean-Luc Mélenchon, won a majority, albeit by a narrow margin over the Socialists and Greens. However, to form a government, the left-wing front will need to ally with the Ensemble party of centrist President Emmanuel Macron. This scenario highlights the complexity of the political alliances needed to govern.
The most prominent parties in this election were La France Insoumise, Macron’s Ensemble, and the far-right Rally National, led by Marine Le Pen. Notably, none of these parties had been significant a decade ago, reflecting a transformation in the French political landscape.
United Kingdom: The Conservative Defeat
In the United Kingdom, the Conservative Party suffered its biggest defeat since 1966, while the Labour Party won a resounding victory, returning to the political center. The headline does not reveal, however, that smaller parties such as Reform UK (far-right), the Green Party, and the Liberal Democrats also performed at historic levels. Together, these parties achieved a vote share comparable to that of Labour, challenging the traditional British two-party system.
Trends and Changes
In both France and the United Kingdom, there is a clear demand among voters for new political forces and ideas, with a willingness to radicalize in search of alternatives.
The left, as described by Italian political scientist Norberto Bobbio, persistently seeks to reduce inequality. The right, according to Jean Laponce, values the preservation of traditions and hierarchies, proposing more gradual changes.
Impact of Global Changes
Since the fall of the Soviet Union, several transformations have shaped the political and social landscape:
Internet and Technology: The digital revolution has transformed economies and societies.
Environmental Issues and Civil Rights: Demands from previously marginalized groups have gained strength.
Globalization: It has facilitated the movement of people and capital, altering local economies.
Changes in Industry and Labor: Manufacturing has lost relevance to intellectual production, devaluing jobs without higher education.
Secularization and Demographic Changes: Reduction in religiosity and increased longevity have impacted social security systems and cultural values.
These rapid changes generate adverse reactions, especially among groups that feel like losers in this new context, such as lower-middle-class men. The loss of traditional jobs and the feeling of cultural and economic devaluation fuel radicalization.
The Rhetoric of Extremes
The speeches of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen share nationalist elements, advocating state intervention in the economy to benefit the French and rejecting the European Union. This economic nationalism is also evident in the Reform UK party, showing that voters’ pain and frustration cannot be resolved solely by economic solutions, but also by restoring a sense of dignity and cultural stability.
The recent elections in the UK and France reveal a deep desire for change and political alternatives. Understanding the motivations underlying these results is crucial to interpreting contemporary socio-political dynamics and future challenges.