The Month That It Was #3
Hello ??,
I hope you had a great month! This is again the time of the month when I share the ups, the downs and the goings. There is much that happened in this month, but realization of that will come through only in next week or so. Expect some announcements soon. In the meanwhile, there a few updates and insights.?
The Percolator
Percolator is now 4 months and 24 newsletters old. Over this time we have grown in to a community of about 11k subscribers and now seem to be finding our bearing as well. We will stick to ‘The Weekly Brew’ model and aim to ship every Thursday 10:00 AM GMT. This last month I experimented with an audible option for the post, it will be good to know how many of you are listening instead of reading. Also, if you have any suggestions about the topics, content or format, please let me know.
In May, the newsletters contained following posts:
If you are new to The Percolator and want to read the old posts, please do so on the Archive page.
While a lot good has happened for percolator, of course not all can always be good. The idea of setting up a community flopped and how? So taking the cue, I have discontinued the discord community. On the other hand, job board and talent pool seem to have caught the interest of the readers, so that I will keep curating. And, the jury is still out on the ‘Weekly Roundup’.
Please let me know, if you have any suggestions. By now, you already know how to do that. Just go to this form. I am specifically looking for suggestions on the possibility of including other collaborators to write posts on the percolator, or if you would like to contribute something.
In June, expect the 4 Weekly Brews with usual one post, the job board, the talent pool and the weekly roundup. I might experiment with a few things based on suggestions. I am also thinking of creating a couple of posts deep diving in to certain technology, business function or even startups. So, in all expect 4-6 newsletters over the month.?
Talent Collective & Job Board
Percolator talent collective is a private community I am curating for individuals who are seeking high value high impact technology and growth roles. How it works is that you apply to the collective, and once selected; a curated set of companies reach out to you for the roles they have open.
You can chose to be listed anonymously, or make yourself invisible to a selected set of companies.
If you are in a mental space of ‘not actively seeking but open to see whats out there’, then being part of the collective can actually help you.
If you are actively looking for a job, then we have some really interesting curated remote roles in technology and growth listed on the Percolator Job Board. You can directly apply to them.
Office Hours: Updates on Work Front
founders’ lab
We are building some very interesting product for early stage founders - the ideapreneurs who are toying with their ideas and figuring out how to get it to next stage.
At founders’ lab we are building a solution for you, which helps you ideate, validate, build and test your MVP in an accelerated manner by providing you resources, tool and community to help you in your entrepreneurial journey.
We would be launching it soon, in the meanwhile please follow the LinkedIn pages to stay updated on the development.
At Indicultr, we are rapidly growing towards a global CommerceTech B2B2C Saas Solution for the cultural product and produce from India. It is a unique approach of a technology solution embodied as a brand. We are working with the aim to supports the millennia old treasure of sustainable practices carried out by our farmers & artisans. At the same time, bring the natural respite of Indian aesthetics to the modern lifestyle.
There are some really exciting news that hope to share with you in next few days. In the meanwhile the brand site is up. Please visit it.
We are actively looking to connect and collaborate with those working in the handcrafted artisan product space. Please connect if you are in relevant business.
5 from the Month
These are my 5 recommendation from the things I watched, read or came across, the last month. Hope you find them interesting.
One Show
Season 2 of Panchayat came on Amazon Prime this month, so it couldn’t be anything else. It is one of the best made and most honest show in the Indian content space right now. The portrayal of local governance at the village level in India and the daily complexities of life has so much insight to give if you observe well.
There are so many takeaways from the show, but one contrast that stood out to me which so well demonstrates the asymmetry of growth penetration is that a villager who is carrying a mobile phone around is desperately waiting for a toilet to be built in his house.
One Book
This month I read Hooked by Nir Eyal. I had read parts of it in the past but never the whole book in one go. Even though it is about a decade old and talks in terms of early social media and internet, yet there is so much to learning packed in their specially if you are a product person.
As someone who is building an internet startup or working as a product manager, designer or developer it is a must.
One Article
In the world of bizarre some bizarre is way more bizarre-ier than any other bizarre. Read this short article this month and then found Ricky Gervais also mention this i n his Netflix special, so I think it is quite appropriate to share it. So here goes an interesting read about Platypus. You ask, whats so interesting about Platypus? Much.
One Tech
In technology, some amazing work is happening in medical devices space. Got this one hot off the press about a dissolving transient pacemaker with body area sensors and control network. Read and be amazed that how fast how far we are getting in health care.
One Thought
Off late I have been giving a lot of thought on the topic of sovereignty, nation state and governance. A lot of reason for which countries and government as we understand them today existed, are slowly getting obsolete. Sovereignty, both in assertion and understanding is shifting more towards individual. Is there a meaning anymore in territorial definition of countries? Will we need a representative government in the future? What is the smallest entity that can sustainably function as a sovereign and fulfill all duties that our current form of nation state and governments serve?
These are obviously not questions which can be answered in yes or no; but certainly the time has come to ponder over them. I will try and address these topics in the future posts.
…and a Bonus
The next big thing happening in Indian e-commerce space is ONDC - Open Network Digital Commerce - a government not for profit initiative to introduce interoperability across retail and logistics platforms. Keep an eye out for it. It is nothing short of a revolution in the space.
Thanks for reading this. I would love to hear from you about what you are up to these days and if we should connect some time.
Hope you have a great month ahead.