Monopoly Tenders Update - 4th of June 2024

Monopoly Tenders Update - 4th of June 2024

A short newsletter about latest news for Sweden, Finland and Norway. Below comes a summary of new TSV Announcement Systembolaget, New purchase plans for Vinmonpolet & ALKO. Below comes just a summary, however via links you find all details.

Systembolaget (Sweden)

Systembolaget announced new TSV tenders the last Thursday (30th of May)

Details Systembolaget TSV tenders:

  • Wines from regions: Orange wine from Chile, White wine from Vinho verde and White Beaujolais (France
  • Beer from: Altbier and K?lsch from Germany (buyer will purchase several products per tender call)
  • Spirits from: No new requests
  • New FSN (Permanent listing) tenders will be announced by Systembolaget 13th of June.

Browse the new tenders Systembolaget (last updated 31st of May)

ALKO (Finland)

Finland (ALKO) announced 3rd of June its new purchase plan. the purchase plan cover tenders with tender process coming 6 months where selected products goes into the market 2025.

Details new Purchase plan ALKO:

  • In total 143 tender calls split on Wine, Beer, Spirts and Mixed drinks.
  • Split of tenders both for one time purchase, service listings and permanent listings.
  • ALKO continue to ask for products in other container formats than 750 ml bottle.
  • On our website you can read about 75 tenders. why not 143? We do not compete on beer in Finland and not on the very smallest one time buy tenders.

Browse all new tenders ALKO (latest update 4th of June)

Vinmonpolet (Norway)

New purchase plan was announced 31st of May. The purchase plan include tenders with tender process coming 6 months. Launches of selected products take place first part of 2025.

Details new Purchase plan ALKO:

  • In total 100 tender calls split on Wine, Beer, Spirts and Mixed drinks.
  • Split of tenders both for one time purchase and permanent listings. som listings will also be determined after tender process if it will become a permanent listing or one time buy. Generally speaking decision depend on price and volume of products that rank best in blind tasting.
  • Vinmonopolet do not follow the trend that we see in Sweden to restrict lion part of tenders for Sustainability certificates. Only few tenders is restricted to different certificates.
  • Most tenders is for 750 ml bottle and the specifiction is straight forward, however some times pretty specific. Very important to read "other requirements" part before making an offer.

Browse latest tenders Vimonopolet (Last updated in 31st of May)

Do you seek a e-label solution in compliance with new EU Regulations?

Our sistercompany just recently was launched. Via the discount code CW2024 you will be able to sign up on this service with 75% discount for the inital 3 years.

Included in the subscription it will also be an option so you can use system but publish the e-labels on your own website, but still follow the EU rules how to do this. The team will help your team with set up for this free of charge.

Do you want to meet us on upcoming fairs or online?

Please use below link to schedule a meeting with our great team.

Meeting request form

Learning material:

Guide how to use Concealed Wines website

Browse through all current and upcoming tenders, categorised by countries and types of alcohol. Register (for free) to access all details about tender requirements.

Reach out to us for more info or submit you offer directly online.

New feature: receive email notifications when new tenders are published for your product or region !

Read the guide

About Us

Concealed Wines is an established importer active in Sweden, Finland and Norway. Our core business is to help alcohol beverage suppliers to enter into monopoly distribution in Sweden, Finland and Norway.

The aim with our newsletter on Linkedin is to update suppliers' side ongoing about new tender calls in the market published by Systembolaget (Sweden), ALKO (Finland) and Vinmonopolet (Norway).

Contact person for questions:

Calle Nilsson - [email protected] - Linkedin profile

Follow us on Linkedin on either Company profile or our specific page for Monopoly tenders.


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