Two months since I was in complete silence. Being in the world, but separate from it.
The monk's words and teachings are sealed in my memory. I am sure that's because I was so attuned to his words. Being away from modern noise helps. The words flowed. Putting pen to paper is the most human way of connecting to oneself and others.
A?new study?from the Developmental Neuroscience Laboratory at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology argues that handwriting helps children and adults remember information better. Typing is the shortcut. What can I say -- it's valid, from this vantage point. Endless scrolling is not what the brain is meant to be doing.
But I digress. Back to the monk.
I am re-reading what I wrote in my small, red Italian leather bound notebook. Back to the monk's pearls of wisdom. Let's experience them again, shall we?
- Symbolism of Motherly Comfort: there is no more divine a connection than a mother and child. And when we are tested in life, the Catholics understood that the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus would bring calm to the soul. That in our darkest hours, we would be nurtured and fed by the divine mother's spirit. Other religions may disagree, but there's something to be said about that sense of comfort.
- The Inner Oracle: ancient Greece had the Oracle of Delphi. She would be consulted on important decisions of life. The modern day Oracles, for me, are the great healers and teachers. And according to the monk, we should consult with them often to make our journey through life more meaningful: psychologists. My favorites are Esther Perel,?Adam Grant,?Mario Martinez.
- Krisis: There is a good side to every crisis. For the Greeks and Delphinians, crisis (pronounced Kreesees) was an opening for change. You're in cyclical time. Our inner gardens are going through a seasonal change and we must stop, listen, and make the appropriate changes.
- Mystery: The modern world leaves no room for mystery. We want what we want when we want it. When we don't get what we want, disappointment and frustration sets in. The monk is Yoda. So are you -- just tune in.
- The Oasis: Rather than destroy ourselves and others, we ought to be doing more inner contemplation. It's easier to escape -- what is necessary is to live life from a place of integrity and generosity. That's what the great teachers in my life have taught me.
- Be Elastic: Time is elastic. So should we -- molding ourselves back into beauty, each and every time our inner core metal is bent by outside forces. Just life Eiffel, when life hammers us down (meaning, when people depart, hurt or disappoint us) it's your duty to bend yourself back into beauty. Create something beautiful.
May we all be elastic, in our own oasis, unfolding the mystery that is life. And in times of crisis, consult with our inner oracles to be good people and of good service. God is omnipresent.
This is the eleventh edition of?Liz’s Newsletter — Fall Series,?based on her silent retreat at a Benedictine Monastery in Big Sur, California.?Elizabeth Ayoub?was born and raised into a Muslim secular Lebanese family in Caracas, Venezuela. If you liked this story, subscribe to the newsletter. She would love it if you shared it, too.