Monkeys do not die as lizards - part 8
This time i am a bit angry about a lot of wormhole fuzz.
Recently, nature accepted a paper of eight authors, claiming to have build a wormhole in a quantum computer. To me, this paper is pseudo science. Much a do about nothing nothing.
I quote from Quanta Magazine: To be clear, unlike an ordinary hologram, the wormhole isn’t something we can see. While it can be considered “a filament of real space-time,” according to co-author Daniel Jafferis of Harvard University, lead developer of the wormhole teleportation protocol, it’s not part of the same reality that we and the Sycamore computer inhabit. The holographic principle says that the two realities — the one with the wormhole and the one with the qubits — are alternate versions of the same physics, but how to conceptualize this kind of duality remains mysterious.
There are theories that depart from the assumption that space can be thought of as having many dimensions. We are used to only three, namely height, dept and length. These extra dimensions above three do of course not really exist, nobody ever entered such a dimension or ever saw it, but they are useful as a mathematical tool. Let us call these extra dimensions “abnormal space”. This abnormal space tickles our imagination. One of the things fantasised about is a so called wormhole. You could take a point A in normal space, enter some other dimensions from there and arrive at a point B further on in normal space. A small voyage through “abnormal space” could thus bring us to the other end of the universe.
Another fantasia-orgasmic concept in this class is entanglement. Two objects are somehow one object, because they share some characteristics. And if the characteristic of the one object changes, say its colour goes to blue, then the other also does, no matter how far apart they are. Let us call these types of relations between objects “abnormal interactions”. Very tickling.
Entanglement and wormhole are two concepts of the same family. They both speculate that there is some spooky relation between two points in space, either through abnormal space or through abnormal interaction. In both cases, we have a lot of mathematical formalisms, describing the abnormal relation, without any physical meaning what so ever. The proposed relations cannot be observed and will never be detected by any machine. They are just some mathematical constructs. They are in essence not physics but a type of metaphysics.
Now consider that mister Jafferis of Harvard thinks that the constructed wormhole is some “filement of real space-time”. Translated to normal speech, as proposed above, this means the wormhole is in “abnormal space”, namely in all these extra dimensions that have been concocted by metaphysical theorists, having “abnormal interactions”. He then goes on to say that the wormhole is not part of the same reality as the computer in which it was build. We must conclude from this, that “real space-time” consists of several realities. One in which the quantum computer resides and one in which the wormhole resides. I conclude from this that only abnormal relations exist between his experiment and his experimental outcomes.
I would like to add that there is apparently also a third reality, namely the one in which the authors of this article, along with the editors of Nature, reside. A reality in which any mathematical formalism can easily become a real event. You only just have to write it down. And the more fantastic the formalism becomes, the more real it gets.
In fact, I am a bit angry, in a very unscientific way, about this pseudo science. Fantasyland is in the process of replacing a rigid science about the basics of nature that we once called physics.
If you want to return to the land of physics then please read my book “Monkeys do not die as lizards”(
Threat Reduction Agent at U.S. Government , US Marine Corps Ret.
2 年Sounds like a bunch of invented words, that is in my reality of my own quantifitifical 3rd degree dimensional train of interstellar reality of supposed thought!!!