The Monk & The Grasshopper
One fine day, whilst out and about, hopping here and there, a little grasshopper happened across a monk who was meditating.
He hopped his way around the motionless monk for some time. He was struck by how calm, still and peaceful the monk appeared but he wasn’t really sure what he was doing.
The grasshopper hopped here and there, back and forth, keeping his eye on the monk and slowly gaining courage to get closer and closer until finally he was almost at the monk’s side. Just at the moment when he was about to hop on his knee and clear his tiny grasshopper throat, the monk opened his eyes and looked down at the grasshopper.
“Hello little grasshopper” the monk said in a warm and friendly manner. “How may I help you? ”
Surprised that the monk knew he was there, the little grasshopper, hopped back a little, and, plucking up all of his little grasshopper courage, he asked his question.
“I have been watching you for some time and would like to know what it is you are doing?”
“Meditation little grasshopper” said the monk “we meditate to calm our wandering minds”.
“Wandering minds, the grasshopper repeated, What do you mean?.
“Our minds can be like that of a little grasshopper that hops from place to place, always moving, never still and calm”
“Oh, said the little grasshopper, trying hard to be still for a moment. “I like that. I would like to try to calm my wandering mind, and my wandering legs, for that matter. Do you think I could learn?”
“Of course, little grasshopper. Its quite simple. We start by getting comfortable, then sitting with crossed legs and our backs straight, we close our eyes”.
The little grasshopper immediately sits down and after spending a little time working out how to cross its little legs, it closes its little eyes.
A few moments pass before the grasshopper opens one eye and looks up at the still and calm monk. “But what now? ” he asks a little impatiently.
The monk chuckles “steady little grasshopper, not so fast. When we close our eyes we watch our breath, Breathing in we are truly aware we are breathing in. Breathing Out we are truly aware we are breathing out”
“OK, that sounds pretty simple”, says the little grasshopper and does as the monk says, making himself comfortable again and crossing his little legs, he slowly closes his eyes and takes a deep in breath.
A few moments pass. “Wait!” shouts the grasshopper “I think it would be better to meditate over there on that lovely grass stalk” and off he hops. He jumps onto the blade of grass and looks around in satisfaction.
“Ok I’m ready now”
The monk and the grasshopper get themselves comfortable again, the monk crosses his legs and the little grasshopper does the same, they both slowly close their eyes and take a deep in breath.
A few more moments pass. “Wait!” Shouts the grasshopper “I think it would be better to meditate over there on that lovely rock” and off he hops. He jumps onto the rock and looks around in satisfaction.
“Ok I’m ready now”
The monk and the grasshopper once again make themselves comfortable the monk crosses his legs and the little grasshopper does the same, they both slowly close their eyes and take a deep in breath.
A few more moments pass. “Wait!” shouts the grasshopper.
Moral of the Story:
Our minds can be like that of the little grasshopper, always hopping off to here and there following the next big distraction. This known as the monkey mind in Buddhism. We meditate to calm our minds, stilling and quietening ourselves to live more in the present moment. When we become present in the moment we start to learn and experience the fundamental truths to that which causes us to suffer.
(Author: Dhamma Tapasa*(Andrew Hallas))
Photo: Linda O Connell)