Monitoring Logging for K8
How to setup monitoring and logging in K8 cluster?
Setting up monitoring and logging in a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster is essential for maintaining visibility into the health, performance, and activities of the cluster and its workloads. Here's a general guide on how to set up monitoring and logging in a Kubernetes cluster:
1. Prometheus and Grafana:
kubectl apply -f
2. Node-Level Metrics:
kubectl apply -f
3. Kube-State-Metrics:
kubectl apply -f
4. Alerting (Optional):
1. Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK Stack):
bashCopy code
kubectl apply -f
2. Prometheus Alertmanager Integration (Optional):
3. Centralized Logging (Optional):
Observability and Tracing (Optional):
1. Jaeger or Zipkin:
kubectl apply -f
2. Instrument Applications:
Important Considerations:
Remember, the specific steps may vary based on the tools chosen and the configurations needed for your environment. Always refer to the official documentation of the tools you're using for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
How to setup monitoring and logging in K8 cluster in OpenShift on prem?
Setting up monitoring and logging in an on-premises OpenShift cluster involves deploying specific tools and components to collect and visualize metrics and logs. In OpenShift, the monitoring stack is typically based on the Prometheus and Grafana combination for metrics, and the EFK (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana) stack for logs. Here's a general guide:
1. Prometheus and Grafana:
1.1 Deploy Prometheus Operator:
oc create -f
1.2 Custom Resource (CR):
yamlCopy code
apiVersion: kind: Prometheus metadata: name: my-prometheus spec: serviceMonitorSelector: matchLabels: team: frontend resources: requests: memory: 400Mi alerting: alertmanagers: - name: alertmanager-main namespace: openshift-monitoring port: web
1.3 Deploy Grafana:
oc create -f oc create -f oc create -f oc create -f oc create -f oc create -f
1.4 Access Grafana:
2. Node-Level Metrics:
oc create -f
3. Kube-State-Metrics:
oc create -f
4. Alerting (Optional):
1. Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK Stack):
oc create -f
2. Cluster Logging Operator:
bashCopy code
oc create -f
3. Custom Resource (CR):
apiVersion: "" kind: "ClusterLogging" metadata: name: "instance" spec: managementState: "Managed" logStore: type: "elasticsearch" elasticsearch: nodeCount: 3 storage: storageClassName: "gp2" size: "100G"
4. Access Kibana:
Observability and Tracing (Optional):
1. Jaeger or Zipkin:
oc create -f oc create -f oc create -f oc create -f oc create -f
2. Instrument Applications:
Important Considerations:
This is a general guide, and specifics might differ based on your OpenShift version and other configurations. Always refer to the official OpenShift and related tool documentation for accurate and up-to-date information.
How to setup monitoring and logging in K8 cluster in AWS EKSor EC2?
Setting up monitoring and logging in a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster on AWS can be done using various tools and services. Here, I'll provide a guide for setting up monitoring and logging in an AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) cluster, as well as on a self-managed Kubernetes cluster on EC2 instances:
AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service):
1. CloudWatch Container Insights for Metrics:
1.1 Enable Container Insights:
1.2 Deploy Metrics Server:
kubectl apply -f
1.3 Configure EKS Cluster:
2. Prometheus and Grafana:
2.1 Deploy Prometheus Operator:
helm repo add prometheus-community helm repo update helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
2.2 Access Grafana:
3. Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK Stack):
3.1 Deploy EFK Components:
kubectl apply -f
3.2 Access Kibana:
Self-Managed Kubernetes on EC2 Instances:
1. CloudWatch Container Insights for Metrics:
1.1 Enable Container Insights:
1.2 Deploy Metrics Server:
bashCopy code
kubectl apply -f
2. Prometheus and Grafana:
2.1 Deploy Prometheus Operator:
helm repo add prometheus-community helm repo update helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
2.2 Access Grafana:
3. Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK Stack):
3.1 Deploy EFK Components:
kubectl apply -f
3.2 Access Kibana:
Observability and Tracing (Optional):
1. Jaeger or Zipkin:
1.1 Deploy Jaeger or Zipkin:
kubectl apply -f kubectl apply -f kubectl apply -f kubectl apply -f kubectl apply -f
2. Instrument Applications:
2.1 Instrument with OpenTelemetry:
Important Considerations:
Always refer to the official documentation of the tools you're using for accurate and up-to-date information.
How to setup monitoring and logging in K8 cluster in GCP GKE?
Setting up monitoring and logging in a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) involves using GCP's native tools for observability. Here's a guide on how to set up monitoring and logging in a GKE cluster:
Monitoring with Stackdriver:
1. Enable Monitoring API:
1.1 Enable the Stackdriver Monitoring API:
2. Enable Logging:
2.1 Enable the Stackdriver Logging API:
3. Create GKE Cluster:
3.1 Create a GKE Cluster with Monitoring and Logging Enabled:
gcloud container clusters create <cluster-name> --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes
4. Access Monitoring Dashboard:
4.1 Access the Stackdriver Monitoring Dashboard:
5. Configure Alerting (Optional):
5.1 Set Up Stackdriver Monitoring Alerts:
Logging with Stackdriver:
1. Configure Logging in GKE Cluster:
1.1 Create GKE Cluster with Logging Enabled:
gcloud container clusters create <cluster-name> --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes
1.2 Configure Logging for Individual Pods (Optional):
2. Access Logging Viewer:
2.1 Access the Stackdriver Logging Viewer:
3. Create Custom Log Metrics (Optional):
3.1 Create Custom Metrics for Logs:
4. Create Log-Based Metrics Alerts (Optional):
4.1 Set Up Stackdriver Logging Alerts:
Observability and Tracing (Optional):
1. Cloud Trace Integration:
1.1 Enable Cloud Trace API:
2. Instrument Applications:
2.1 Instrument Applications with OpenTelemetry:
Important Considerations:
Always refer to the official GCP and GKE documentation for accurate and up-to-date information: Google Cloud Monitoring Documentation and Google Kubernetes Engine Documentation.
How to setup monitoring and logging in K8 cluster in Azure AKS?
Setting up monitoring and logging in a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster in Azure AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) involves using Azure Monitor for monitoring and Azure Monitor Logs for logging. Here's a guide on how to set up monitoring and logging in an AKS cluster:
Monitoring with Azure Monitor:
1. Enable Monitoring for AKS Cluster:
1.1 Enable Monitoring during AKS Cluster Creation:
az aks create --resource-group <resource-group> --name <aks-cluster-name> --enable-addons monitoring --workspace-resource-id <log-analytics-workspace-id>
1.2 Enable Monitoring for Existing AKS Cluster:
az aks enable-addons --resource-group <resource-group> --name <aks-cluster-name> --addons monitoring --workspace-resource-id <log-analytics-workspace-id>
2. Access Azure Monitor Metrics:
2.1 Access Azure Monitor Metrics Explorer:
3. Set Up Azure Monitor Alerts (Optional):
3.1 Create Alerts in Azure Monitor:
Logging with Azure Monitor Logs (formerly Log Analytics):
1. Enable Azure Monitor Logs Integration:
1.1 Enable Azure Monitor Logs during AKS Cluster Creation:
az aks create --resource-group <resource-group> --name <aks-cluster-name> --enable-addons monitoring --workspace-resource-id <log-analytics-workspace-id>
1.2 Enable Azure Monitor Logs for Existing AKS Cluster:
az aks enable-addons --resource-group <resource-group> --name <aks-cluster-name> --addons monitoring --workspace-resource-id <log-analytics-workspace-id>
2. Access Log Analytics Workspace:
2.1 Access Log Analytics Workspace in Azure Portal:
3. Create Log Queries and Alerts:
3.1 Write Log Queries:
3.2 Create Log Alerts:
Observability and Tracing (Optional):
1. Azure Application Insights Integration:
1.1 Enable Application Insights Integration (Optional):
2. Instrument Applications:
2.1 Instrument Applications with OpenTelemetry (Optional):
Important Considerations:
Always refer to the official Azure documentation for accurate and up-to-date information: Azure Monitor Documentation and Azure Kubernetes Service Documentation
How to setup monitoring and logging in K8 cluster in OCI OKE?
Setting up monitoring and logging in a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using Oracle Kubernetes Engine (OKE) involves using OCI's native tools for observability. Here's a guide on how to set up monitoring and logging in an OKE cluster:
Monitoring with OCI Monitoring:
1. Enable Monitoring for OKE Cluster:
1.1 Enable Monitoring during OKE Cluster Creation:
oci ce cluster create --compartment-id <compartment-id> --name <cluster-name> --kubernetes-version <version> --vcn-id <vcn-id> --enable-monitoring
1.2 Enable Monitoring for Existing OKE Cluster:
oci ce cluster update --cluster-id <cluster-id> --enable-monitoring true
2. Access OCI Monitoring Metrics:
2.1 Access OCI Monitoring Metrics Explorer:
3. Set Up OCI Monitoring Alarms (Optional):
3.1 Create Alarms in OCI Monitoring:
Logging with OCI Logging:
1. Enable OCI Logging Integration:
1.1 Enable OCI Logging during OKE Cluster Creation:
oci ce cluster create --compartment-id <compartment-id> --name <cluster-name> --kubernetes-version <version> --vcn-id <vcn-id> --enable-logging
1.2 Enable OCI Logging for Existing OKE Cluster:
oci ce cluster update --cluster-id <cluster-id> --enable-logging true
2. Access OCI Logging Explorer:
2.1 Access OCI Logging Explorer in OCI Console:
3. Create Log Searches and Alerts:
3.1 Write Log Searches:
3.2 Create Log Alerts:
Observability and Tracing (Optional):
1. OCI APM Integration:
1.1 Enable APM (Application Performance Monitoring) Integration (Optional):
2. Instrument Applications:
2.1 Instrument Applications with OpenTelemetry (Optional):
Important Considerations:
Always refer to the official OCI documentation for accurate and up-to-date information: OCI Monitoring Documentation and OCI Logging Documentation.
How to setup monitoring and logging in K8 cluster in IBM Cloud IKS?
Setting up monitoring and logging in a Kubernetes cluster on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS) involves using various tools and services to collect and analyze data from your cluster. Here's a general guide to help you get started:
1. IBM Cloud Monitoring with Sysdig:
IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service integrates with Sysdig for monitoring. Sysdig provides detailed insights into your containerized applications.
2. Prometheus and Grafana:
If you prefer an open-source solution, you can set up Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring.
1. IBM Cloud Log Analysis with LogDNA:
IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service integrates with LogDNA for log analysis.
2. Elasticsearch and Kibana:
Alternatively, you can use the ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) stack for logging.
Additional Tips:
Remember to adjust these instructions based on your specific requirements and preferences.
How to setup monitoring and logging in K8 cluster in Alibaba Cloud ACK?
Setting up monitoring and logging in a Kubernetes cluster on Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) involves using various tools and services. Alibaba Cloud provides built-in solutions for monitoring and logging, making it relatively straightforward. Here's a general guide to help you get started:
1. Alibaba Cloud Container Service Monitoring (CMS):
Alibaba Cloud provides a built-in monitoring solution called Container Service Monitoring (CMS). It allows you to monitor the performance of your containers, nodes, and clusters.
2. Prometheus and Grafana:
If you prefer to use open-source solutions like Prometheus and Grafana, you can deploy them on your ACK cluster.
1. Alibaba Cloud Log Service (SLS):
Alibaba Cloud Log Service (SLS) is a fully-managed service for log data. It can be integrated with your Kubernetes cluster to collect and analyze logs.
2. Fluentd or Logstash:
To ship logs from your Kubernetes pods to Alibaba Cloud Log Service, you can use log shippers like Fluentd or Logstash.
Additional Tips: