Monitoring and Evaluation for Development Results Course
FineResults Research Services invites you to training on:
Topics: Monitoring and Evaluation for Development Results Course
Date: 21st to 02nd October 2020
Cost: USD 1600 or Ksh 120,000
Contacts: +254 759 285 295, [email protected].
Venue : FineResults Research, Nairobi, Kenya Training Centre.
Enroll :Online training
This course brings learning into practice and enables you to understand the importance of using information and knowledge for evidence-based strategic decision making. M&E for Results is for managers and monitoring and evaluation officers who need to supervise, manage, plan and implement M&E in their projects and programmes. No prior knowledge of M&E is necessary.
10 Days
Through a mix of practical activities, theory and examples of effective practice you will learn how to:
- Decide what and how to monitor with different stakeholders
- Clarify key results at the programme-level using logic models
- Plan a project using the logical framework
- Develop indicators and targets
- Use participatory methods for data collection and analysis
- Combine qualitative and quantitative approaches to gather and interpret data
- Design and manage evaluation
- Use your M&E findings to stimulate learning, improvement and stakeholder buy-in
- Develop and work with a practical M&E system.
Module 1
Principles of M&E for Results: The changing role and practice of M&E
- M&E fundamentals
- Results approaches: outputs, outcomes and impact
- Relate M&E to your programme and project cycle
- Identify stakeholders and their differing needs and roles.
Module 2
Results framework
- Develop logic models
- Work with and beyond logframes.
Module 3
Developing M&E frameworks
- Criteria for indicators
- Develop project indicators
- Identify means of verification.
Module 4
Gathering data/information
- Quantitative and qualitative approaches and instruments
- Data organisation, quality assurance and analysis
- Design baseline, evaluation and impact studies
Module 5
M&E system and plan
- Prepare M&E plan
- M&E system
Module 6
Embedding key M&E practices and applying these to a local organisation
- Practice data gathering tools
- Use different tools to gather data in live context
- Field work reflection.
Module 7
Theory of Change
- Develop a theory of change from the live data gathered during fieldwork
- Relate theory of change thinking to M&E.
Module 8
Information for decision-making
- Review monitoring data
- Use M&E information and evidence for decision-making.
Module 9
Fostering a learning culture
- Identify ways to foster a learning culture
- Become m&e change agents and champions
- Coaching and preparation for participant presentations.
Module 10
Using what you have learnt
- Participant presentations
- Embedding learning for personal and organisational benefit
- Becoming change agents for M&E.
NB: We are offering you a half day, fun and interactive team building event!
Be part of the Training
· Click HERE for the individual registration.
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