Monitoring & Evaluation Course for Development 1st To 5th February 2021 Nairobi-Kenya Email- [email protected] Call+254 727446544
David Onkware
Learning & Development| Business Development| Corporate Training| Organizational Development| Knowledge Management| | Proposal writer| Trainer
Monitoring & Evaluation Course for Development 1st To 5th January 2021 Nairobi-Kenya Email- [email protected] Call+254 727446544
VENUE: SID Institute Training Center; Nairobi, Kenya
EVENT DATE: 01-02-2021 TO 05-02-2021
FEE: Dollars $ 1,500 + 16% VAT
To Register-EMAIL: [email protected]
Course Description
This 1 weeks SID Institute training is design to impact job oriented skills for monitoring and evaluation that are highly demanded in the development industry. After following this course you will be capable of designing and managing Monitoring and Evaluation Systems which meet the standards of donor agencies.
Who should attend?
? Research Assistant
? Business Analyst
? Research Programmer
? Financial Analyst
? Project Managers
Learning Objectives
? Learn how to select data collection strategies and get acquainted with key issues about measures such as credibility, reliability, validity and precision
? Benefit from a hands-on-approach based on real life cases enabling you to immediately apply the knowledge shared throughout course
? Work in groups together with professionals from around the world, in a multicultural and diverse environment
? Gain insights on how multilateral agencies manage their operations
? Get access to all the resources necessary to start your own training program on Monitoring & Evaluation
? Build a Monitoring & Evaluation system throughout the course for a real project
? Use data analysis software package (Stata)
? Use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and GPS to gather data, collaborate and share information
? Communicate findings to stimulate learning and reflection
? Key components of M&E
? Relating Monitoring and evaluation to your project cycle
? Identifying the challenges facing Monitoring and evaluation professionals
MODULES 2: Trends towards result based M&E
? Managing for development results (MFDR)
? MFDR core principles
? Results based management
MODULES 3: Introduction to result based M&E
? What is RBM?
? Results based M&E outline
? Result based M&E cycle
? Performance measurement, performance indicators and performance monitoring
? Essential actions to build result based M&E
? The power of measuring results
MODULES 4: Situation analyses/Needs assessment
? Formative research and analysis
? Tools to conduct needs assessment
? Practical/illustrative examples
MODULES 5: Baseline assessment
? What is baseline data and how to collect?
? Needs assessment versus baseline study
? Importance of baseline study
? Examples of baseline study
MODULES 6: Designing the M&E system
? Results chain and impact pathways
? M&E frame works
? Theory of change
? Impact path ways
MODULES 7: Step by step approaches to M&E
? Principles of M&E system
? Design &set up
? System management
? M&E system design practical
MODULES 8: M&E frameworks
? M&E frameworks for development
? Developing and implementing M&E frameworks
? Linking M&E frameworks to indicators
? Using data
MODULES 9: M&E plans
? What does an M&E plan include?
? Important considerations for an M&E plan
? When should M&E be undertaken?
? When monitoring activities should be carried out?
? When should evaluations be conducted?
? Can M&E plans be amended?
MODULES 10: Designing indicators and evidence
? Developing indicators
? Types of indictors and characteristics
? Process versus result/impact indicators
? Process indicators
? Result indicators
? Output indicators
? Outcome indicators
? Impact indicators
? Challenges and considerations when selecting indicators
MODULES 11: Performance monitoring
? Definition and process
? Tools used
MODULES 12: Evaluation techniques
? Design
? Data collection and analysis
? Communication of results
? Illustrative examples
MODULES 13: Gender M&E
? Introduction to M&E in Gender and development
? Prioritizing gender in M&E plans
? Exploring gender in M&E plans
? Selecting indicators to measure gender related outputs and outcomes
? Gender considerations for data collection, interpretation and use
MODULES 14: Evaluation techniques
? Introduction to Economic evaluation
? Main methods of economic evaluation
? Case study: cost effectiveness
MODULES 15: Communicating M&E results
? Developing communication system
? Presentation of findings/results
MODULES 16: Use of &M&E results
? Different uses of results
? Audiences
MODULES 17: Assessing programme impact
? Introduction to Impact Assessment
? Programme Design Implications
? Impact Assessment in Programme Design
MODULES 18: Economic evaluations
? Introduction to Economic evaluation
? Main methods of economic evaluation
? Case study: cost effectiveness
MODULES 19: Data collection, management and data quality
? Data collection methods: How to undertake data collection (quantitative and qualitative)
? Increasing questionnaires response rates
? Data collection versus data analysis
? Data quality and data management
? Data quality dimensions
? Functional areas of data management systems
MODULES 20: Introduction to data analysis and interpretation
? Introduction
? Data analysis key concepts
? Types of variables
? Basic analysis
MODULES 21: Summarizing data
? Numerical summaries for discrete variables
? Tables for dichotomous variables
? Tables for categorical variables
? Tables for ordinal variables
? Graphs and charts for dichotomous and categorical variables
? Graphs and charts for ordinal variables
? Tabulations for summary statistics for continuous variables
? Graphs and charts for continuous variables
MODULES 22: Introduction to qualitative data analysis
? Planning for qualitative data analysis
? Reviewing the data
? Organizing your data
? Coding the data
? Introduction to using a qualitative data analysis software (NVivo)
MODULES 23: Quantitative data analysis
? Planning for quantitative data analysis
? Comparison of Data analysis packages
? Basics for statistical analysis
? Testing for normality of data
? Choosing the correct statistical test
? Tests Hypothesis testing
? Confidence intervals
? Hypothesis testing versus confidence intervals
? Interpreting the data
MODULES 24: ICT tools for data collection, monitoring and evaluation in development programmes
? ICT innovations: Mobile data collection
? Using Mobile phones for data collection
? Application
? How can we use ICTs for qualitative M&E
MODULES 25: GIS techniques for M&E of development programmes
? What is GIS?
? Geographic approaches to development
? GIS advantages for M&E
? Using GIS software and data
? Data sources for development issues
? GIS analysis and mapping techniques
For further inquiries, please contact us on
Tel: +254 727 446 544
Mob: +254 727 446 544.
EMAIL: [email protected]
The training will be held at SID Institute Training Center. Delegates should be reasonably proficient in English. Applicants must live up to SID Institute admission criteria.
Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be issued with a certificate.
We will customize this training to fit your professional and institution expected outcome. You can have it delivered at SID Institute or at a convenient location.
Kindly Note: The program content shown here is for guidance purposes only. Our continuous course improvement process may lead to changes in topics and delivery methodology