Monica's Monday Message: Feb. 3, 2025
Monica Levin - Helping You Tap Into Your Intuition
Inner Guidance Coach, Intuition Trainer, Holistic Health Coach, Life Coach, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Body Language Trainer, Speaker, Spiritual Counselor, Author
This week’s message is the four of diamonds from my Oracle Card Guidebook DISCOVERY.
Eye Blocking
When we are feeling uncomfortable or scared, we want to protect our body or shield ourselves from what’s causing the discomfort. We block things we don’t like. Blocking can indicate physical or emotional distress or low confidence.
Eye blocking is when you cover or shade your eyes with your hand or hands. It happens when you want to block out what you see. Another form of eye blocking is rapid blinking.
Notice when your body reacts and you eye block. Watch for blocking in others.
Choose Your Own Oracle Card
Go to to choose your own oracle card.
Monica's Monday Message Emailed
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I invite you to share your reflections in the comments.
My Wish For You
Wishing you health and joy,