MoneyWalk 265 Net Worth Statement
This program will help you undo financial bondage.?
Your true worth is determined by the fact that God made you in His image and desired that you would choose to believe in Him and have an intimate relationship with Him. He made you with freewill to live according to your true worth by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior and thus be useful to Him and the building of His kingdom on Earth. Freewill also allows you to refuse His offer, live according to the dictates of satan and your carnal mind, and thus reap the consequences thereof.
Taking periodic inventory of your beliefs and actions to see if they line up with the Lord’s biblical standards shows whether or not you are living in accordance with your true worth. Likewise, taking an inventory of your monetary assets and liabilities in order to calculate your financial net worth shows how well you are living the biblical standard in the financial arena of your life. Stewardship in the financial arena touches every other arena of life such as caring for family, abundantly helping spread the gospel, helping provide physical means for those serving in ministry, working, friendship relationships, health, education, properly using gifts, skills, abilities, etc.
Your true worth is certainly not determined by the amount of your financial net worth, yet your financial net worth can be an indicator of whether or not you’re following biblical instruction concerning managing and growing money the Lord entrusts to you to help you properly care for kingdom work, yourself, family, and others He wants you to help. The Good Samaritan could not have paid for the beaten man’s stay at the hotel, nor promised to pay any extra, if needed, when he returned to town, unless he had surplus. It seems to be the Lord’s will for you to see net worth grow over your lifetime even while you’re tithing, giving abundantly, and properly caring for your family. Giving, budgeting, and debt-free living are disciplines we are instructed to pursue because they open Heaven’s windows over you producing an ever-increasing income stream from which you can save and invest in businesses and other vehicles that produce higher growth.
Enter “net worth statement” in an online search engine and find sample statements and instructions. Simply put, create an Asset column to describe each individual asset you own such as a house, rental properties, stocks, bonds, and savings, along with the dollar market value next to each. Now create a Liabilities (Debt) column to describe each debt you owe creditors such as a home mortgage, rental property mortgages, car notes, credit cards, personal loans, etc, along with the dollar amount owed next to it. Total the dollar value of all assets and then total the dollar amount of all debts. Now, subtract total debt from total assets. The result is your financial net worth.
If your net worth is negative or small, identify whether this is due to you (a) overwhelmingly taking on debts to purchase material things that have steeped you in debt and financial trouble, or (b) overwhelmingly giving great amounts of income and resources to ministries that spread the gospel and build the LORD’s kingdom in the hearts of men. If it’s the latter you’re likely on the right path even when you have a small net worth. But, if it’s due to debt, you are not on the right path and need to change to become a good steward because the bible shows the Lord does not want you idolizing material things or being steeped in debt.
If your net worth is large consider whether this is due to you (a) idolizing money and saving great sums while failing to give a proper proportion of it to help fulfill the Great Commission, or (b) greatly prospering as a result of consistently sowing great amounts of income and resources into building His kingdom and investing on earth as He instructed. If it’s the latter, you’re on the right path. If not, you need to pivot your stewardship to glorify the Lord. The testimony of your life and finances helps identify whether or not your net worth reflects that you live according to your true worth. It should contain strong elements of deep intimacy with Him and good stewardship including generous giving and ministry to others.?
You are not in a hopeless situation if you’ve thus far failed to be a good steward. Following God’s plan from this point forward including knowing the state of your income and expenses (budgeting), living on less than your current income, building an emergency fund, eliminating debt to eventually live a debt-free lifestyle, having cash flow available to invest in high-growth vehicles, and diversifying assets will bring supernatural assistance to help you live according to your true worth and properly build net worth. No matter what, if you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior, you are seated with Him in heavenly places, inherit eternal life, and have access to all His treasures needed to fulfill the work (including ministry) He wants you to do in the earth.
Genesis 13:2-6, Job 1:1-3, 1Timothy 6:17-21, James 5:1-8
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The book at the link below provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power to Get Wealth. By 1992, we had $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. Financial bondage and turmoil led me to seek principles and a process for employing good stewardship. As a result, we became constructively debt-free in 1998, mortgage free January 2004, millionaires in 2012, multi-millionaires shortly thereafter, and retired in 2018 in my mid-fifties from public servant jobs while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to you!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at .
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