MoneyWalk 247 Work Your Budget
This program will help you undo financial bondage.?
Living by a budget enables you to shed burdens thrust on you by a lifestyle of debt. Write your net monthly income down and subtract a tithe and a free-will offering so you can play a substantial role in helping the good news of Jesus Christ implanted in the hearts of men, women, and children worldwide. Now, subtract every minimum monthly payment due for each bill (home mortgages, car notes, credit cards, cable television, retail accounts, etc.). For utility and other bills that vary in amount each month or that are payable quarterly, semi-annually, or annually (gas, water, electric, telephone, car and home insurance, lawn maintenance, snow shoveling, etc.), subtract the monthly average of these bills for the prior twelve-month period. Your discretionary income (cash flow) is what remains.
You can spend discretionary income on additional free-will offering, groceries, gas, personal care items, reducing debt, saving, investing, and entertainment. You’re already saving if your employer withholds a percentage of your pay for a 401k or similar investment plan. Do not spend amounts subtracted for payments due quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. Put this money in a separate savings account or let it stay in your checking account until it’s time to pay those bills. Discipline yourself to budget for at least one year in advance so you can see any irregularities you may have to consider and account for as you move forward. Refuse to borrow money as you follow this plan, otherwise it’s likely you’ll wind up in a worse position than you’re currently in.
God has a plan for your release from financial bondage but it takes your commitment to budgeting your income and expenses to eliminate and stay out of future debt, so you have a lifestyle where giving comes first, saving amp; investing come next, and spending on more than your needs is the last priority. Your desires can wait until you have enough extra cash to pay for them. As you become debt-free according to the LORD’s design you will find that not too long down the road you’ll have enough discretionary income after giving, saving amp; investing, and spending on your needs that you will be able to also spend on many items you desire in a way that does not put you back in financial bondage.nbsp;
Proverbs 30:24, Ecclesiastes 10:19, Habakkuk 2:2-4, Luke 16:9-13
Please pray for this ministry and email questions to [email protected] and share the links below with others who need guidance. May the LORD bless you richly as you follow His plan!
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The book at the link below provides principles and practical steps that help you use the Power to Get Wealth. By 1992, we had $135,000 of debt and a negative $35,000 net worth. Financial bondage and turmoil led me to seek principles and a process for employing good stewardship. As a result, we became constructively debt-free in 1998, mortgage free January 2004, millionaires in 2012, multi-millionaires shortly thereafter, and retired in 2018 in my mid-fifties from public servant jobs while giving abundantly to fund the gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ. The same power is available to you!
You can find books authored by Randy and Karen Parlor at
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