MONEYVAL and AML efficiency

On November 8th MONEYVAL officially calls members state for effective implementation of AML international standards.

The statement reveals progress in ML/FT risks understanding, international cooperation and financial intelligences, but on the other hand reveals deficiencies in preventive measures (legal entity transparencies, financial supervision, private sector compliance etc.) and combating area (ML prosecution and convictions).

Nothing special in this official call, but…

What it is an effective AML/CFT system according international standard?

Technically speaking there are 2 steps efforts of private and public stakeholders in this area: first is an common preventive private + public effort to ensure that criminal cash-flows are not allowed to enter into banking and not-banking systems; and second is to seize and recover (confiscate) the criminal assets and cash-flow which have already passed into legal system.

What it is understood from MONEYVAL statement that none of these 2 step efforts did not achieved efficiency yet, which indicate of AML/CFT systems of monitored MONEYVAL 33 members, including Republic of Moldova are NOT EFFICEINT per se.

?Is’n it?


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