Money — Is Your Subconscious Program Blocking Your Form Receiving It?

Money — Is Your Subconscious Program Blocking Your Form Receiving It?

95% of the thoughts, feelings, words, and actions you experience each day are habitual. They emerge spontaneously from your subconscious mind. Therefore, the quality of your life is the direct result of the quality of your subconscious conditioning. Unfortunately, when it comes to money, most of us were raised with the wrong conditioning. This means that unless you understand your subconscious conditioning and deliberately reprogram it, you will never get rich.

You have probably heard that success is 95% mindset and 5% strategy. As shocking as that may sound to you, it is a very modest way of putting it. Science now tells us that the observable universe is less than 0.0001% matter and more than 99.999% Space. This Space is what has been termed the Quantum Vacuum and it is filled with energy and consciousness. Going a step further, we know that our universe is just a tiny speck within a boundless infinity. That means that in a very literal sense, that which is invisible is the only Reality, while the visible is mere shadows. The magic of life is to master the domain of Causation. When we do, the outer effects take care of themselves like magic. Now, you will find a million gurus for each tactic that you want to use to make money or succeed in life. But there is only a handful of us who have the gift to take you on the deeper journey. It is the road less traveled that makes all the difference. I will be recommending some carefully selected resources that you can work with to apply these lessons and create the results you want. But first, let us work on the real cause of all the phenomena in your life — YOU!

Through?Individualization, The Logos replicates itself into multiple avenues for self-propagation; to render infinite expression to the infinite source.

The sea of light that bathes the universe is made up of particles of light emanating from the sun. each light particle contains the fullness of the nature of light, and is only different from the whole body of light in terms of degree of expression.

The ocean of water that covers the earth’s surface is made up of molecules of water that build up into drops, and then oceans. Each drop of water contains the fullness of the nature of water, and is only different from the whole body of water in terms of degree of expression.

The whole experiences itself by differentiating into an infinite number of identical parts or individualities. The individual lives and moves and has his/her being from, in, and for the whole, while the whole exists of itself but lives and moves and has its being in, through, for, and as the individual.

Through this simple model, you can see how it is that you are the image of God, or why the Psalmist says “you are gods, all of you are sons of the Most High”. The image of God that you are does not mean the kind of image you see when you look at your face in the mirror. Spirit does not have a face. Being the image of God means you are the Individualization of the Divine.

Before you borrowed this body from your mother, you were, and you were the image of God. When you will drop this body in the grave like a used garment, you will continue to be. Therefore, the image of God has nothing to do with physical appearance — it is talking about your divine identity, the nature of God that you possess as an individualization of God. Infinite Spirit (God) assumes an individuality (you), as a means of triggering a relationship through which He can experience the Infinite Potentiality that He is.

The principle of individualization on the spiritual plane is consistent with the fractal-hologram model of the universe which theoretical physicists now hold. According to this theory, the universe is a hologram that is expressing itself in, through, and as all its parts. If you pick any entity in the universe, be it a grain of sand or a star, and study it a microscopic level, you will notice that everything is the same energy pattern, expressing itself in different scales.

You emerge from God through the process of?individualization. You create your identity and human experience from your environment through the process of?individuation. During your early years, you were individuating yourself using your environment as your reference point (since you were not aware of your spiritual nature). The second part of your life is when you start unwinding that earthly individuation and reprogramming a new empowered self. The next reflection will help you unmask your subconscious program (individuation).

Earlier on, I gave you an overview of where your subconscious conditioning comes from. In order for you to really grasp this concept of belief or conditioning, let me explain it again.

You were born into a family. Your family is the product of two other families that came together in the form of your parents. Your parent’s families each came from a tribe whose genealogy goes back to the day man first stepped foot on planet earth. In every generation, each member of that family tree has lived in a community that has a unique set of beliefs, customs, traditions, and ways of life. The end result of all this is a common pool of consciousness that we may call the race consciousness or the collective consciousness.

Pre-genetic conditioning.

Just as you are genetically connected with your entire ancestry through your DNA, you also have a soul connection with your entire ancestry through the collective consciousness of your family and tribe. This collective consciousness forms your first level of mental conditioning.

Genetic conditioning.

Our behavioral dispositions are the combined effect of our genetics and our environment. Thus, certain genes that we inherit from our parents determine which personality traits we are more prone to, and that may manifest when the right environmental triggers come into play. For example, melancholia could be someone’s natural disposition which he/she inherited from the parents. Given that behavior-related genes only predispose, and the environment plays a greater role in actualizing the behavior, people can master their dispositions if they understand their exposure. We will look at this in greater detail sometime in the future. I brought it up here just to show the role that genetics plays in mental conditioning. Your genes condition your tendency toward certain behaviors, your environment triggers the behaviors, your habitual practice of the behavior conditions your mind to keep behaving that way.

Epigenetic childhood conditioning.

From the time you were born to about the age of seven, you were living almost entirely at the subconscious level since your rational faculties were still developing. This is why at the age of 2 for example, instead of saying “I want to pee”, you would say, “Lydia wants to pee”. Talking about yourself in the third person is an indication that the first person or ego is silent or not yet existent. At this stage, your brain was like a sponge that was soaking in everything that it was exposed to in terms of information, without questioning, judging or rationalizing. You were not thinking and remembered. You were simply mirroring everything around you, capturing the external world into your inner reality like a photographic plate.

The way of life in your household, the regular speech, the consistent mood of your parents, the fighting or the praying, the hunger or the overeating, all that was a consistent pattern in your home in your childhood, became programmed into you as your reality. this childhood conditioning forms the third level of your mental conditioning. Childhood conditioning is a passive process because the child is like a canvass that the parents are painting.

Epigenetic environmental-conditioning.

After the age of 7 when you are busy exploring life in school, in church, in the community, your newborn ego is in the process of constructing its identity. Unfortunately, the default mechanism for building identity is conformity. So from this age of 7 till adulthood, you make your meaning and create your sense of value by conforming to the myths, legends, trends, dogmas, rules, regulations, peer pressure, parental expectations, and every other pressure that is seeking your attention. The effect of your environment on you is called environmental conditioning. Unlike childhood conditioning, environmental conditioning at this stage is active because you are part of it.

Epigenetic self-conditioning.

Your inherited subconscious conditioning, your inherited genetic conditioning, your childhood conditioning, and your environmental conditioning, all work in synergy to influence your patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior. As you repeat these patterns over and over, they turn around and reinforce the patterns that created them. This is the final level of conditioning called auto-conditioning. Your auto-conditioning makes up your personality, and your personality determines your personal reality.

The way to heal your subconscious conditionings is to unveil through understanding. Now that you know the various levels of conditioning and the mechanisms involved, you can heal every aspect of your life simply by going through a reflective process through which you examine each of these stages of your life to look for what seeds may have been sown in your subconscious by the dominant thoughts of that stage. When you become aware of a certain belief and then examine it through the lens of truth that you now possess (The 14 Fundamental Principles of Reality), that belief dies a natural death.

Let us do a sample reflective exercise on the subject of money. Here is the sequence of self-questioning you may want to do:

What is my current relationship with money? Am I enjoying an abundant flow of money that is coming to me effortlessly through multiply channels on a consistent basis, or am I pinching a living from paycheck to paycheck and silently cursing each time I think about money?

If I do a detached observation of my reaction toward money, what will I find? What are my spontaneous thoughts, feelings, speech, and habits on the subject of money? How do I react toward people who are swimming in cash? Do I have that joyful “that is me” feeling or do I make excuses, resent them, or envy them?

What beliefs, myths, experiences, encounters, from my community resonate with the way I currently think, feel, talk, and act about money?

What beliefs, myths, experiences, encounters, from my family resonate with the way I currently think, feel, talk, and act about money? What was my parents’ most famous line about money when I was a kid?

What is the money reality of my family and family tree? Did my parents and grandparents have a wealth and freedom mentality or a suffering and scarcity mentality?


Take a piece of paper and write down the 6 steps of the Napoleon Hill method by which the desire for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent. Read it, aloud if you can, memorize it till you can recite it without looking at your paper. Read the reflection you wrote yesterday about how much money you want and why you want it. Today, select a date on which you expect to have this money. Close your eyes and imagine that you are living in that day and place right now, then describe in writing what you will see around you, what you will hear around you, what you will be doing, and how all this will feel.

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Copyright Notice:

? Esoh Nji Godfrey, 2021. All Rights Reserved.

This article was originally published in 2018 as part of a coaching program within the Godfrey Esoh Network. Thousands of people have experienced amazing changes in their lives with the help of this content and it is our prayer that you will too. You are permitted to share and reuse this free version in any way that helps other people to benefit from these transformational lessons, so long as you cite the original author. For further inquiries, please contact the author at?[email protected]


The author is neither a licensed financial advisor nor a physician. This article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as financial, investment, business, or medical advice. For all medical advice, please consult your healthcare provider. For financial advice, please consult your licensed financial advisor.


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