Money Talks # 40 ???? - Mango and Money !
How do we think our mindset towards money rather than solely focusing on the amount we earn.
When you get money, How do you plan to split the money ? it happens at your back of your mind, right ? may be plan to pay EMI, buy a gift for your loved one or save for tomorrow or invest for your future ! what is your thought goes first ?
Same way if you get a box of tasty mangoes, what do you do ?
These days it is difficult to plant mango tree is not practical for all. But if you take the example of Mango, we can learn a lot about money management.
When you receive Salary or additional money. We will have same options :
It is clear that 3rd option is better, but it is not practical to invest all money. What we need is balance of all three ! Spend 50 % - Save 30 % & Invest 20 %, may be an ideal !
What is possible for you is your comfort. Creating a balanced approach can help you lead a good money life.
Happy money life to all.