MONEY!!!!! ...MONEY!!!! MONEY!!!! ...What is MONEY? ...Does MONEY have power? ...Do you love MONEY? ...Do you have a relationship with MONEY?
As a child we've heard "MONEY DON'T GROW ON TREES. But yes it does, obviously. "Isn't it amazing how many are conditioned to believe that MONEY is POWER. In all actuality, MONEY is POWERLESS, unless it has an assignment to accomplish something. MONEY is only energy. The same energy that created the universe is the same energy as MONEY as well as you and I.
As a child we've heard, "THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL," Personally, it seems as though the lack of it contributes to evil. There is a difference in having a love for it and loving the freedom that it brings. MONEY is not our source. The Creator is the source which happens to allow MONEY to flow through several difference channels to us.
Many times our relationship with MONEY will stem from the relationship our caregivers had with MONEY...which can be changed. The reel that has been running in our subconscious mind since conception plays a major role in our relationship with MONEY and any other relationship.
It's time to inform our subconscious mind that it's ok to release the old programming about MONEY, relationships, health, careers, etc. Therefore, we have no use for it. It's time to inform our subconscious mind that it's time for a brand new UPGRADE. It's okkkkkk. All together now..."Subconscious mind, I acknowledge and am aware of the old programming that's been running in the background all this time. I realize I have to do everything out of LOVE. Therefore, I LOVE YOU and Thank You for protecting me. With that same LOVE...I RELEASE YOU AND GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO DELETE THE OLD PROGRAMMING AND REPLACE YOU WITH A NEW UPGRADED PROGRAM. A PROGRAM OF NEW BELIEFS, CONDITIONING AND SUCCESS," THAT WILL SUPPORT ME IN LIVING THE LIFE I DESIRE.
NOTE::::::The subconscious mind is like a rubber band. As you stretch it, it does expand. However, once you release it, it returns to its natural state. So keep stretching it until it comply.
With much LOVE...