Money Self Care Is the Ultimate Self Care
Ceri Griffiths
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Money Self Care Is the Ultimate Self Care.
Have you ever found yourself in a position where you have felt out of control?
You have felt that you weren't clear about your money, that you didn't feel ordered, and that money was actually a worry and overwhelming to you?
This actually happens an awful lot for women during divorce, partly because they haven't necessarily been the money manager in their relationships, haven't necessarily been the one controlling the money, and now they find themselves in a situation where they are.
Also, because there is so much to organise during a divorce, your money can become a real stress and burden on top of that.
What is money self-care?
I think some really natural steps can be taken to help you feel in control. And when you feel in control and organised with direction and focus, your money can become a sense of pride rather than a sense of worry.
How do you get that sense of control?
The first place to start really is by creating an order.
The same way when you are trying to create order within your home and that involves a declutter and then involves a process and an understanding of what you're going to do and how, the same with your money, the place to start is with a declutter.
It's an excellent idea, particularly if you're going through a divorce, to gather your paperwork together.
Maybe you haven't been opening the envelopes; maybe you haven't got a filing system in place; maybe you just haven't been that connected to that side of things.
This is a really good place to start. As with many things, taking things in sized bite chunks is really useful.
So the first bite-sized chunk is to gather everything together.
That's task one, all the bits of paper that could be in many different places, gather them together.
Task two, create some system. Putting like with like, doesn't have to be mind-blowingly complicated. Just put like with like. Anything to do with savings together. Anything to do with pensions together. Anything to do with mortgages together. Open up envelopes and make sure that you have gathered what you can together.
That's a super-easy way to start.
We're starting to create some control and clarity about what's going on.
The next thing to do is get close to what is coming in and what is going out.
This means looking through your bank statements and creating a list of the main things you are spending money on.
Also, creating a list of your income sources and having that line of sight about what that looks like.
The third thing I'd like you to do is create a list from the stuff that you've gathered of everything you owe and everything that you own in your name, in joint names and anything that you think your ex might have as well.
This is a perfect starting place for understanding and gaining control of your finances during a divorce.
I hope that's been useful.
What it should have done is help you take some proactive steps to feel in control of your money, help you take some proactive steps to start to create a structure and order around your finances.
When your finances are in order, when you know that you have a system for filing your paperwork, when you know what's coming in and what's going out, when you know what you owe and what you own, it creates a sense of wellbeing.
It takes away the fear because things become clear.
So, I urge you to go and do this.
Money self-care is the ultimate self-care. Money underpins so much of what you do, and you really deserve this.
Good luck, guys.