Money? Pah, I choose Love
Unless you work in Banking, chances are it's not really the money that motivates you. The same goes for recruiters - I've seen hundreds of people churn through the industry attracted to recruitment with ambitions of getting rich quick, they rarely make a success of it. This is because to be a really good recruiter, you have to really love it - it's never just about money.
It's easy to overlook the role a great recruiter can have in helping a company to succeed. It's also easy to underestimate just how big an impact we can have on the lives of the people we place into jobs. Sure, not all the work we do changes the fortunes of companies or changes peoples lives, but every so often, it really does and these are moments to cherish.
This morning, one of my colleagues received a heart felt thank you from someone he has helped to secure a dream job. Would this job seeker have managed to land the job without the backing and support of a good agent? Probably not. It's getting feedback like this that makes this job such a pleasure, and even a privilege.
For all of us, the job we do is a very important part of our lives. Having no job, or a job that makes us feel undervalued or unhappy can have a negative impact on our health, happiness and relationships. Conversely, being happy at work gives us a sense of purpose and leads to happiness and fulfilment.
Sharing that journey and helping people find happiness through work is a side of my job few outsiders really appreciate.