The Money!

The Money!

The Money!

Your turn! Have I given you enough time? I have given you the “Time” itself? Asked I,

What you did when you had a “Time” that I gave you? says Krishna,

At first I didn’t realize it! that I have all The “TIME” along with all other powers! I did best for me and the world along. I even changed the universe many a times. I wrote everything about Universe and self or “Existence as Intelligence”. You have told it earlier from time to time from incarnations to incarnations within the boundaries of Human body mind and existence. We together wrote it again, that’s it, within new definitions and understandings of current world around. OR “We just cleared the Dust of Time”! I say,

What about Shri Ram? Asks Krishna,

It is the method of Human Intelligence or alignment as & desire to live! Everything has happened. Universe transforms completely within unit moment of its existence. It happened now! Everything happened now! There is no when! But only to evaluate itself, intelligence or light has to divert its own direction into the state of happenings and evaluate its own existence by all means! These means or modes are through body or other senses. The brain becomes biological orientation, while mind evaluates. This is the mind of Intelligence!

Where to find its own self is its own monopoly. No one can ever interfere with self’. Unity is the only path through which any transformation takes place. There is no other way. Therefore it is also visible as light or spark. The light or spark hold complete information as time boundation of any event. Thus any event or observational entity or time itself, is divided with respect to origin to its end.

The evaluation of this cycle form origin to self, is done or performed by through intelligence, This orientation of evaluation is call mind. This can even be projected and visible as brain of intelligence or universal cosmological existence.

Thus any projection of light or thought, or thinking exists and is already projected as orientation of & in time. When and where gives, or are directed as the path of the geography or positional coordinate to & of that event. This is felt observed and understood, somewhere with emotions as and within biological/body & sometimes just outer universe.

“It exists the moment you thought”.

“If no one can ever think it, it does not exist”.


“Can you think anything which does not exist?” I gave the same exercise to my grade twelve student’s!

Ask your parents and come! Said I’ to them,

“But why”? Asked the parents! To principle! When they didn’t found the answer within all the principles and teachings or information or understandings of their own evolution, through their brain and mind, they came to principal of the Education, complaining about my teachings. Some time is was St Paul’s other time it was within the outer world.

I asked them both” & I even ask everyone now! “Can you think of anything “that” which never exist”!

 Blind goes the Humanity into ignorance of Unknown!”

And the Light says, I am Intelligence itself, and anything which never exists cannot be ever known due to “State of Non existence thus, Ignorance & as of itself’ as it is a Lack of or non existence of Information too”!

Thus ignorance becomes alive and limited too. The limits are the limits of thinking itself!

Thus thinking becomes the crucial part of human brain. Thus we keep thinking unknowingly, & can think of anything! We can think of Anything we like and it will exist.

“The Universe exist the moment Intelligence thinks”

And it’s the only the projection of one’s thought!”

“If it cannot be thought, it cannot ever exist, or if it exists it is already been thought! The transformation of light takes place and orients itself as world or worlds or the projection of Universe or self’

“The moment you find the relation between the two, the outer and inner world or universe, all the external time boundaries are broken, and we or intelligence arrives at unity of moment or existence.” Such moments are called the ‘Moments of Realization”

This unity is the position every thought or orientation “material or intellectual” of universe has to cross always if there is analysis or differentiation of observation or occurrence or thought exist.

“Any moment form unity to duality or into any further dimension of intelligence or orientations of material or intellectuals or observations of universal boundaries” is with respect to unit position of self’. This may also be observed as change of fundamental position of & as self’ as Intelligence within or as Light”

“The evaluation we did above is the path of when and where” it might experienced within self, as emotional to some and material to some”

“What you feel or learn and live is your world or life”

What can you give to others or what information you attach to your surroundings is your life and your world”. Slowly it becomes the moments of life’ of individual livings!

In which world do you live, we are calling to shift the universe to highest degrees of happiness and understandings or order of Livings as life.

 The life is the life of Intelligence” everything else is just nothingness! The nothings of definitions and understandings! & everything else as Just Observations! The life around”!

The observation of Intelligence becomes a life within self & surroundings! Everything is alive, Now it the moment of existence”

“Unity is at mean of every oscillation!”

“It is the Fundamental Position of & as Existence”

No matter in which billionth of oscillative position of universe human find as the age of their earth and life”, it remains forever! If it can be thought, is exists always, sometimes as now, sometime as somewhere else”

The occupancy of universe is the occupancy of thought Intelligence or light or just a Wish”

“Be careful what you wish for, it may come alive”.

“The Brightest of the light is at the darkest of Self’, you are the connection of universe. You yourself are the “Key” the secret key of universal existence” “it is you, yourself” ”Remember this key can never be Lost” so, what that can ever happen, is just you may misplace it”, but remember it cannot ever be lost forever ”You might have just misplaced it in time” “You have just misplaced “yourself” or its definition in time”

“There are only two secret ways to find, either you ‘find you’, or ‘you find time’.  Even if you find any one of the two above to its absolute, you will find everything” You will find the key”  “You will find you”, “You will find the universe! And you will find all the connections between you and universe.” “Everything is known within the moments of time”.

Who am I is the wisest question to be asked though out the journey!

Whom to? Asked someone

To self, says I’

There is no one else!

The journey of life is to bring alive everything around you! The sound, the breeze, the nature, birds & mountains, the rivers & galaxies, your powers are supreme: says I,

You will realize your powers while aligning this universal & surroundings’ within you & outside.

“You have to become the master of the boundaries to win!” there is no limit of powers or existence” “energy is infinite” You have to master Infinity”

Or else you may be lost” or might lose the key’.

“You are the Key”

“The Highest of the powers on ever earth can never be nukes or economies!” “It is the alignment of universal infinite energy. It is the alignment of intelligence”.

“The alignment of words is the alignment of understandings, the alignment of understandings is the alignment of mind, alignments of mind is the alignment of light and Sound, the intersection of energy is the orientation as nature & as existence”

I now ask you once more! “Can you think of anything “that” which never exist”!

“Now, if can think, you become the proof about the existence of Shree RAM, Krishna……says I,


Ok, tell me, Am I behind the materialism or the emotions too? I asked,

You came today! After so long! Says Krishna,

When I go far from you, I find that my attraction is towards materials, and when I sit with you, I become infinite! Says I,

We become infinite together! Says Krishna,


So should I forget my responsibilities as of a Son, Husband, Brother or A Father? Or am I the Luckiest ever to live both the lives together? Somehow we both are here in it now! Though everyone needs the food to live! Or else is the master or its own Breath”

Let’s eat then……..come!

What about money? I ask,

We shared the real gold of information with the world! Says Krishna,

But, we still need to earn for living and responsibilities of human body and the relations we created. It is our world and or our universe & it is our responsibility to share the food and livings for it. We are in this together I think! Now what? Asked I’,

We have given everything to it!

Come! Sit here and write! Says Krishna,

About what? Asks me,

People will come around! For sure! Says Krishna,

Coming! Sounds the earnings!

Why don’t you do some magic this time! I ask Krishna,

We should keep sharing, that all the magic we can do! Says Krishna,

Gautam Jangid

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2 年

After reading what you wrote, I can't figure out whether you are trapped in sea of words that still you don't know or you want to be trapped others in the words that have different meanings according to only you. Best wishes.


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