Issue 1: Money Mindset Intro Newsletter (OWN YOURS)
Stoy Hall, CFP?
Investopedia Top 100 Financial Advisor ??Helping Women & Minority Business Owners/Entrepreneurs & Employees Achieve TRUE Wealth they deserve!
Well…here goes nothing.
To all of you who do not know who I am, my name is Stoy Hall.?As you will learn from following me through this journey, I am no ordinary Wealth Manager nor am I ordinary for that matter.?At this point you are saying “Just get to the point” and I will in due time. Actually, I’ll get to it now, this newsletter will be focused on NO Bull**** conversations about a variety of subjects including financial independence, business, relationships, leadership and, yes, even sports (shocker, I know). I will be writing it from the point of view of an experienced (11 years) Wealth Manager whom is a CFP? as well as a CEO to Trinity Investment Firm (we do #CRE Investing), Kala Capital (#Fundraising, #venturecapital Capital and #hedgefund), Legacy Fiduciary Services (#Trustee/Executor/Legacy Planning and my favorite Self-Directed IRA/LLC Management) as well as my partner Brian Maro has a full Tax Planning firm.?I will be able to show you a different point of view from many in my field and those you may know.?Our discussion will ensue through the topic of MONEY MINDSET, specifically our abusive relationship with money or, in some cases, amazing relationship with money.?You will find that money is in your life regardless if you want it to be, but we will be able to get through this passive psychology together.
Enough of what we’re going to do; you need to know who I am.?I am a Nebraskan, born and raised from Omaha, HOMAHA!?While I was young, I never had a solid family dynamic that you see on TV or hear about from some of your friends. I learned that for me to make a difference in my life I needed to get out of Omaha.?By the grace of God, I was talented enough to play many sports but I excelled at football. I was a starter since my freshman year in high school and ended up heading to go to Drake University ! (Learned about #studentloans, REAL QUICK.)?While being on campus trying to learn what I wanted to do, I worked for four and a half years at the Boys and Girls Club just off-campus.?I realized that there were many kids just like me, and they needed help and guidance as most were not as blessed as I was to use athletics to get out of my situation.?That feeling quickly led me wanting a degree in finance with a minor/concentration in business law and insurance. (Full Disclosure, I’ve always wanted to be a chef and own my own restaurant. Yes, I am a foodie and, yes, I will bring that up A LOT).?
Now for our overall theme of "Relationship with Money" or Money Mindset for short. What does Stoy mean by “Mentality: Relationship with Money?” Do not fret, I “got” you.?Being as vague as possible, mentality is the characteristic attitude of mind or way of thinking of a person or group or the capacity for intelligent thought. (Thank you, Google, for that definition). ?So for us that means our attitude or the way we think about money, is the way in which we inherently think: “the more I have, the happier I am” or the opposite thought: “I have no money so I am depressed or I cannot do anything.”?Believe me, these are pretty valid statements, especially with a fixed mindset, that is. ?As such, I’m here to simplify this wave of confusion for us.?We need to be able to understand our true relationship with money.?
With that being said, I want you to ask yourselves these simple questions.
1.??????When you wake up, what is the first thing you feel?
2.??????Do you eat out or make your food at home?
3.??????Do you like the amount in your bank account?
4.??????Do you know the real importance of budgeting?
5.??????Starbucks or at-home Keurig?
6.??????Do you rent or own? Car or house?
7.??????What do you make annually? How does that feel?
8.??????When was the last time you tracked your spending, item by item for 3 months?
9.??????How many pairs of shoes do you have?
10.??When you see a bill (regardless of what you are paying for), does it make you feel uneasy?
After you have answered these questions, how do you feel??Happy, angry, disappointed, confused??Those are all natural reactions on how you answer money questions.?The purpose of this exercise is for you to start understand your body’s reactions in certain situations.
Of course you are saying, what in the world does this have to do with anything. You will be surprised how your body will react to your thought process of the questions listed above. However, don’t worry, we will start to dive into what these mean and how to start improving your relationship with MONEY.
Cannot wait until next week or just want more, check out our podcast @nobswealth and catch us on youtube. You can always follow me on Instagram and Twitter as well! Or just email me, [email protected].
Most importantly come check out our NEW Website and give us some feedback. Make sure to subscribe to this newsletter and if you are wanting time to chat with me 1on1 you can schedule that here or if you are wanting 2 hours a month with me, join our Beachside Chat Community, every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 6pm CST!
Oh, yeah and have to put this in here...Compliance and all
“The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investments may be appropriate for you, consult with your financial advisor.”