Money Making Conversations 6/13/16
Rushion McDonald
STEM Atlanta Women, 2024 Man of the Year ● 3815 Media, Inc., 2023 GMSDC Supplier of the Year Class I ● Money Making Conversations Master Class Podcast Host
Every Monday at 12pm EST, I host a free Q&A on my Facebook page called "Money Making Conversations" where I tackle topics ranging from business startups, education, career makeovers, branding your business and opportunities in the entertainment industry.
Not everyone can attend live, so I host the archives on my website, and I'll post some of the best questions every week right here on LinkedIn!
Good Morning Mr McDonald.
I own a local lawn maintenance company entitled Turf Tiger . This year I took the jump that Steve Harvey often talked about; I quit my job and launched my company full time after running it part time for some years. We have done great thus far starting in April averaging 7 new clients a week. The only problems I'm running into are staffing, such as, when to hire more staff or should I do as much as I can myself with my operations manager then hire more staff as revenue increases, or should I hire more staff and run my business from my office? Also do you have any advice on branding and marketing? -Dion from Kansas City, MO
You should do as much as possible for your business. Because you are the brand and the face of customer service. I congratulate on you going full-time with your business. This first year is establishing your working model, so don't hire temporary people who will just do the work, but may not grow your brand with excellent customer service. Even if you don't perform the service personally, I would drop by personally to each one of your businesses or hire someone to create follow-up customer service. As you might have noticed, customer service surveys are really big in today's service.
Good morning sir.
So I just started my own LLC, called Dealing Hope. I'm passionate about the youth, but also people in general, and seeing them live the life they were created to live. My WHY is much bigger than the money and to me it's about helping people understand their purpose. I travel from different cities within Mississippi selling my book Wrecked, But Not Totaled and t-shirts out of my car. I speak to different youth organizations, churches and detention centers. I was blown away with the response of people....selling over 700 copies within 3 weeks of the release. My question to you would be, how do I continue to expand what I'm doing from a speaking engagement stand point as well as selling books? The book is available on and I'm just looking for different marketing strategies to grow what God has given me. -Kendale from Hattiesburg, MS
Don't stop doing what you are doing. I didn't hear anything about social media promotion or posting on social media. This is your brand and you should build it. Don't be in a hurry for success, because you are building your brand. People make mistakes when they don't understand the principles of success are tied to your core. That is what you are doing right-- building your core audience. I am not in a hurry to build my brand, because my base or growing core audience is the key to my long term success.
I want to start a t-shirt line. I had a store on Zazzle but no sales. I need help with my sales. What advice can you give me?
-Kendric from Columbia, SC
"Why didn't I make any sales" is a very important question to be answered before you take your venture elsewhere. Is there a connection to your t-shirts? Who are you marketing too? Don't jump out there again until you answer these questions with solid facts.
I am wanting to start a business of my own making jewelry, from beads, earrings, and even organic soaps. I also am going to learn to knit. I have beads already (a small amount). The part that is frustrating is having enough money to start. So I thought about just starting small with the beads. I have been making bracelets every week as I'm able to purchase as many as I can. I haven't come up with a price I would charge yet. I also want advice on what would be the best way to advertise to sell them. -Renee
Starting small is very smart. I would take pictures of people wearing your jewelry and constantly post it on social media. Nobody sales your product better than the fans of your product.
Good Morning,
I want to open an activity center for elderly people and this has always been a dream for me. Now it's time to make it my reality. I want know how to get funding for my business, or how do I get started? -Regeana from Birmingham, AL
You first need to create a business. You also need to establish relationships with senior citizens or community centers to recruit customers. You should include a small bus for customer transportation.
Good morning,
My husband and I started our business in 2013. We started selling our products out of our car 4 years ago. We have two products, Charleston Gourmet Burger Marinade and Charleston Gourmet Burger Sauce and have gotten on to store shelves such as Lowe's Home Improvement....and Walmart. My question is, how do we know when we need to bring on investors? People approach us all the time about investing or wanting to be a part of our company and I'm just not sure if that's the right road we should pursue. We have never taken out a loan for our business and have always been self-sufficient. We want to grow our company bigger and leave a legacy for our kids but we want to make sure we're doing it the right way and with the right people. Very interested in any advice you may have for us. -Monique
This is your business. Please understand when take on investors you are forced to listen to their ideas. I would really focus on promoting your products at Lowe's and get the product off the shelf. Move and grow your brand when you are ready. More importantly, please start building your brand's presence on social media.
Good evening Mr Rushion McDonald.
I have what I believe to be some excellent ideas for television shows. Can you offer some advice on how and who to get my ideas to? My cup runneth over! Thanks in advance!
-Todd from Normal, IL
Todd Bullock,
I advise you to register all of your great ideas at the WGA.
Mr. McDonald,
I have a tax-exempt non-profit concerning foster children, youth and families, and it entails helping build their self-esteem and positive self-image through haircare, grooming and maintenance. I'll be doing workshops for the foster and adoptive parents this summer who may not be familiar with textured hair through the CPS in Houston this summer. I'd like to be able to offer maintenance services to the children and youth. So if I were to approach you or your company for sponsorship of these services, what would you look for in my initial correspondence that may possibly grab your attention and get you to consider being a sponsor or making a donation? -Kash
I would look for the following: impact or success stories, your experience in this field, and your background. I'd also want to know the following: Is there a large need for what you are offering? How many people are you impacting with your program? How does your campaign help out my brand?
Good morning!
I'm in the process of starting a transport business and my question to you is. Is it best to use home collateral or cash as down payment when purchasing vehicles and trailers?
-Tim from Atlanta, GA
Do you have a business plan? That is my first question. You cannot start a business without a business plan.
Hey Mr. Rushion McDonald,
I usually review my goals on Sunday & I look forward to sending you a question on Mondays. However, today I just want to THANK YOU! You're like my virtual mentor! You're weekly Q&A's make a difference! -Kitria from Houston, TX
Thank you for the nice note. The goal of Money Making Conversations is to give people to get advice from a top professional for free. I enjoy and love my growing fan base. I really want people to understand that through consistency and focus, you can win!